Account descriptions, or dimensions, are the part of an account code used for a specific purpose, such as to associate the posted financial activity to a fund, to a location, or to a program. Account codes contain multiple dimensions, which provide a means to select and sort accounting data into meaningful groups for information purposes. Accounts reportable to OSPI include nine specific dimensions.
The first step in creating new crosswalks is to link each district account description, or dimension, to an equivalent state reporting value. The goal is for each district-defined dimension value to reference one, and only one, state value. Each state value may be referenced by many district-defined dimension values. The state dimension values are stored in the System Crosswalk Codes (WA001SysXwalkCodes) table.
You should have already successfully completed Step 1A, using one of the following steps:
Use this program to validate that each district account dimension, with a state reportable fund type as recognized by OSPI, has a valid crosswalk value for the selected fiscal year. Each state equivalent value that exists for the fiscal year you select must be included in the Washington State table of OPSI approved values.
An exception report is generated that lists any records with invalid crosswalk values for the selected fiscal year. The report lists the dimension, indicator, system code, description, crosswalk, and error description. Use the modify, clone, or create functions to correct any exceptions, and then repeat the validation process.Completion sets the Valid Descriptions"flag" to "Yes". |
Additional Steps to Complete:
Page Updated 12/05