The Retirement Activity Report displays retirement projections, history, and current calculation values for employees within each selected retirement system and plan for the selected Earning Period range.
Employee contract values will appear in the Projections and History columns only if the contract has a current pay record on the Employee Profile, i.e. contract data from prior fiscal years, generally, would not appear.
The contract project columns are a calculation of planned earnings, by month, for the contract. The projections are derived using: Contract amount, Contract Calendar, Contract Hours per Day, Calendar Hours per Day, Employee Type Default TRS-1 Hours per Day, Contract Work Start, Contract Work End, Employee Age, Employer Contribution Rates, Employee Contribution Rates. The project values change based upon any one of the aforementioned factors. The projects are calculated during the Payroll Calculate process and during running of this report. The projection values are not stored.
The history columns contain the accumulation to previous paid current transactions. As contracts, other pay items, or adjustments are processed through a Payroll Update process, the current values are added to the existing values in the history columns.
The current columns contain the retirement transactions calculated for the current payroll cycle. Contract current transactions are computed by comparing the Projections to History through the Payroll Period End Date. Any differences through the current payroll period create current transactions. Other Pay Items or Adjustments that are associated with the current payroll will be listed in these columns.
Transaction data is summarized by earning period for each contract, pay item, and adjustment.
Contract retirement dollars and contract void transactions can appear in the projection, history, and current data columns.
Other pay items will appear in the history and current data columns.
Adjustment transactions will appear in the history and current data columns. Adjustments are normally transmitted to DRS. However, there is the ability to adjust an employee's deduction or benefit without sending the adjustment data to DRS. If the adjustment or total row has an,‘*’, asterisk, under the Adj column then the adjustment was deducted from the employee but not transmitted to DRS.
If any unmatched void transactions exist, these will appear in the current data column only. This would be rare since void transactions would normally be matched to the original transaction.
This report displays projected earnings and transactions compared to those earnings, which gives a good view of the retirement calculation results and the transaction history.
The Payroll Check Register process automatically prints the Retirement Activity Report as part of the "Printing State-Specific Reports" step. The report is run selecting a wide open range of earning periods, i.e. 01/1900 through 12/2999, and all systems, plans, and transaction types.
Select Human Resources / Saved Rpts to see reports and information saved from the Payroll process. (See related Skyward PaCGuide Check Register topic.)
See the How-to instructions for other ways the Retirement Activity Report can be created. Note: Some data may not be current when the report is created outside of the Payroll Check Register. Projection, history, and current data for the report is created from the Retirement Calculation process which is part of the Payroll Calculate process.
Page Updated 04/2010