An employee must meet the following criteria to be selected for this report:
1. The Employee Status (HAAPRO-PROFILE.HAAPRO-REF-TYPE) is equal to "E" for "Employee".
- AND -
The employee is currently active. (Haapro-Profile.Haapro-Active= "Yes")
- AND -
Any month within the selected date range meets one of the following criteria (Hpatrc-Tran-Chk.Hptrc-Ret-Hrs):
The employee's work hours for any month within the selected range are greater than or equal to 70, and the employee is not on retirement.
The employee's work hours for any month within the selected range are greater than or equal to 70 and the employee is a member of plan 0.
The employee's work hours for any month within the selected range are greater than or equal to 0 and less than 70, and the employee is a member of plan 1, 2, or 3.
The employee is a member of plan 3, their Use Rate Option is equal to "Yes", and the Retirement Option Code is blank. (RetMember.UseRateOption = "Yes" and WA001RetMember.RetOptionCode = blank)
Page Updated 6/10