Each month, district payroll offices must send reports to the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) for each employee who is a member of the Washington State retirement system. Information on time worked, earnings, and deductions is sent to DRS as a transmittal report. Employees who did not earn compensation that month, as in the case of teachers during the months of July and August, are included in the report; their record is marked with a status code of "B", indicating no compensation earned that month. “B” code transactions are created automatically when a gap in employer contribution is recognized by the system. For example, the employee has earnings for June, but no earnings and resulting employer contribution during the July reporting period. When the transmittal for the month of July is created the system will create a “B’ transaction for the month of July.
The transmittal process will combine all combine all files that are listed for like pay date months as well as Quick Void payrolls and place the transmittal file in the export directory. The transmittal file, in the export directory, will be automatically sent to the DRS.
Transmittal reports are due to DRS by the 15th of each month following the month being reported. For example, the transmittal covering May payroll is due by June 15. The DRS will assess a penalty fee if the report is late. (RCW 41.50.110).
The payroll process of creating checks leaves a record of all transactions in the Retirement Transactions table (WA001Rettransactions). This data is used to create the transmittal report. Employee demographics, address, gender, etc. are added to the transmittal file at the time of its creation. Thus, the information mentioned earlier, can be changed and placed into the transmittal up until it is created. If changes are necessary in defined benefit transactions, then it is best to either void the check and rerun the process, or correct the transaction through the next payroll.
There are three parts to the process: (1) make any necessary changes to employee data in the Skyward Profile area; (2) create the DRS transmittal report; (3) send the transmittal electronically to DRS. |
The DRS Transmittal process not only creates the transmittal file for DRS, but also creates historical transactions to the WA001DRS* tables. Retirement History reports use the WA001DRS* tables to create reports and for the Re-Create DRS Transmittal File process.
Page Updated 04/2010