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This process allows you to make mass changes to employee position and assignment records. Existing values appear on the left of each screen with Change To fields on the right, where information may be reviewed with the opportunity to make changes. There are several steps to the process:
Select either positions, assignments, or both. Select criteria for which positions and/or assignments will be included in the mass change process. You may select all positions/assignments or select specific criteria in eight categories: programs, activities, buildings, groups, matrixes, calendars, departments, and job types.
Change specific position/assignment details. The Selection of Position and Assignment Information to Change screen lists existing values on the left with Change To fields on the right for each value.
Change payroll information in the Selection of Payroll Information to Change screen. Existing values are on the left with Change To fields on the right for each value.
View a list of records that will be changed and review the changes before accepting them. Unwanted changes may be removed.
After completing mass changes, it is strongly recommended that you run an audit of assignment salaries to review any possible effects on currently held salaries. There is a prompt to do this after mass changes are made.
Page Updated 2/06