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Click SALARY NEGOTIATIONS to open the Salary Negotiations Main Screen.
With the Main tab open, click UTILITIES.
Select Positions/Assignments Mass Change under Plan Utilities. Either double-click your selection, or follow it by clicking RUN. The Positions/Assignments Mass Change screen opens.
Select the positions and/or assignments to include in the mass change process.
Enter a Start date and End date. Either enter new values or use the default value of all dates.
Select (at the far right) to include positions or
to include assignments in mass changes. (The default value is to include assignments, but you may also include positions.)
Either click SELECT ALL (at far right) to include all positions and/or assignments or select from any of the following eight categories:
Click All Program(s) to include all available programs. Click Incl Blank Program(s) to select any blank programs that might exist.
-- or --
Click SELECT PROGRAM(S) to select individual programs from the list.
Select from the Available Program list and click ADD to move them into the Selected Program list. (Click ADD ALL to add all programs or REMOVE or REM. ALL to remove your selections.)
Use the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select more than one program at a time.
Click OK to save settings or CANCEL to exit this screen. Your selections appear in the Selected Descriptions display.
Click All Activity(s) to include all available programs. Click Incl Blank Activity(s) to select any blank activities that might exist.
-- or --
Click SELECT ACTIVITY(S) to select individual activities from the list.
Select from the Available Activity list and click ADD to move them into the Selected Activity list. (Click ADD ALL to add all activities or REMOVE or REM. ALL to remove your selections.)
Use the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select more than one activity at a time.
Click OK to save settings or CANCEL to exit this screen. Your selections appear in the Selected Descriptions display.
Click All Buildings to include all available buildings. Click Include Blank Buildings to select any blank buildings that might exist.
-- or --
Click SELECT BUILDINGS to select individual buildings from the list.
Select from the Available Buildings list and click ADD to move them into the Selected Buildings list. (Click ADD ALL to add all buildings or REMOVE or REM. ALL to remove your selections.)
Use the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select more than one building at a time.
Click OK to save settings or CANCEL to exit this screen. Your selections appear in the Building display.
Click All Groups to include all available groups. Click Include Blank Groups to select any blank groups that might exist.
-- or --
Click SELECT GROUPS to select individual buildings from the list.
Select from the Available Groups list and click ADD to move them into the Selected Groups list. (Click ADD ALL to add all groups or REMOVE or REM. ALL to remove your selections.)
Use the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select more than one group at a time.
Click OK to save settings or CANCEL to exit this screen. Your selections appear in the Group display.
Click All Matrixes to include all available groups. Click Include Blank Matrixes to select any blank matrixes that might exist.
-- or --
Click SELECT MATRIXES to select individual matrixes from the list.
Select from the Available Matrix list and click ADD to move them into the Selected Matrix list. (Click ADD ALL to add all matrixes or REMOVE or REM. ALL to remove your selections.)
Use the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select more than one matrix at a time.
Click OK to save settings or CANCEL to exit this screen. Your selections appear in the Matrix display.
Click All Calendars to include all available calendars. Click Include Blank Calendars to select any blank matrixes that might exist.
-- or --
Click SELECT CALENDARS to select individual matrixes from the list.
Select from the Available Calendars list and click ADD to move them into the Selected Calendars list. (Click ADD ALL to add all calendars or REMOVE or REM. ALL to remove your selections.)
Use the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select more than one calendar at a time.
Click OK to save settings or CANCEL to exit this screen. Your selections appear in the Calendar display.
Click All Departments to include all available departments. Click Include Blank Departments to select any blank departments that might exist.
-- or --
Click SELECT DEPARTMENTS to select individual departments from the list.
Select from the Available Departments list and click ADD to move them into the Selected Departments list. (Click ADD ALL to add all departments or REMOVE or REM. ALL to remove your selections.)
Use the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select more than one department at a time.
Click OK to save settings or CANCEL to exit this screen. Your selections appear in the Departments display.
Click All Job Types to include all available job types. Click Include Blank Job Types to select any blank job types that might exist.
-- or --
Click SELECT DEPARTMENTS to select individual departments from the list.
Select from the Available Departments list and click ADD to move them into the Selected Departments list. (Click ADD ALL to add all departments or REMOVE or REM. ALL to remove your selections.)
Use the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select more than one department at a time.
Click OK to save settings or CANCEL to exit this screen. Your selections appear in the Departments display.
Click CONTINUE to save all of your selections, RESET restore the screen to your original session values, or CLOSE to exit without making any selections. This opens the Selection of Position and Assignment Information to Change screen.
Mass change option: Keep the default value of 0 = Equal to old code to change any of the individual position/assignment information values on the right side of the screen. Select All to mass change all values.
Click any of the four EDIT buttons to change values in the Change To fields.
Select from the Change To menu to change values.
Click OK when you are finished or CANCEL to exit.
Click CONTINUE when you are finished making changes. This opens the Selection of Payroll Information to Change screen. (You may also click PREV PAGE to go back and change selections in the previous screen, RESET to remove your changes, or CLOSE to exit.)
Change Payroll Information fields:
Mass change option: The value is set to correspond to the same setting as in the previous screen, either 0 = Equal to old code or All. You may change the selection.
Click EDIT to change any of the field values. (Note: The Account Number may not be changed if the Mass change option is set to All. Change this setting if you want to change the Account Number.)
Pay Code, Pay Freq, Freq Override, Supervisor: Select from the Change To menu to change values.
Date fields (Paid Start, Paid End, Import Date, Export Date, Benefit F.T.E.: New dates may be entered in the Change To fields or click Clear Date to omit a date.
Click OK when you are finished or CANCEL to exit without making changes.
Click CONTINUE. The system searches all program and activity records that meet your selection criteria, creating a list of records to be changed. You can then review the changes before accepting them.
Click YES in answer to the question "Are you sure you want to continue with the Mass Change Process?"
Review the list of program and activity records to be changed.
Remove unwanted changes by highlighting them and clicking REMOVE.
Click RUN when you are ready to accept and process the changes.
Click YES in answer to the Complete Process question.
Click OK when you receive a Process Complete message.
Audit Assignment Salaries: It is a good idea to run this process to check for effects on current salaries due to changes made during the mass change process. To do this, click YES in answer to the Run Audit message.
Click FIX to have the system fix the exceptions that can be handled programmatically; all exceptions must be resolved before proceeding. It is recommended to continue running the Fix option until the Number of Fixes made is equal to 0. If you cannot run the audit process to resolve any more issues programmatically, manually change the remaining exceptions.
To modify an individual’s assignment from the Assignment exceptions list, highlight the individual assignment and click EDIT. Any changes made here will not be displayed in the Assignment exceptions list until another audit is ran.
If the changes are manual, the audit will need to be rerun. It is recommended that a clean audit be generated before proceeding to the Generate Plan Detail option.
Click CLOSE repeatedly to close all of the process screens and return to the Salary Negotiations Main Screen.
Page Updated 2/06