The following criteria are used by the program to select data for creating the report:
Employees are selected for inclusion in the report based on the parameters entered on the Skyward Current Selection Parameters screen. Employees are identified in the Employee Profile table (HAAPRO-PROFILE) by an Employee Profile Reference Type (HAAPRO-PROFILE.HAAPRO-REF-TYPE) of "E".
If individual employees are selected, only those employees will be included and no other employee selection parameters from the screen are considered. If a range of employees is selected, the Employee Profile Name Key (HAAPRO-PROFILE.NALPHAKEY) must fall within that range. If any of the employee-based codes – Building, Check Location, or Employee Type – are selected, an employee must satisfy each of the chosen criteria to be included.
Hour and Wage Selection: Once it has been determined that an employee should be included, hours and wages are selected from the Pay History (HPAHDP-HIST-PAY) table.
In order for information to be included from a Pay History record, the Pay History Check Date (HPAHDP-CHK-DTE) must fall within the Date Range Low and High values entered on the Workers' Compensation Report Parameters screen. If Pay Code or Pay Frequency selections were made on the Current Selection Parameters screen, the Pay History record must satisfy those criteria as well. Finally, if specific Workers’ Compensation codes were selected on the Workers' Compensation Report Parameters screen, only Pay history records with pay codes carrying the selected Workers’ Compensation Codes are included. Records for pay codes without a Workers’ Compensation Code are excluded from the report.
Rate Information Selection: Data for the Rate Information section is selected based on the Workers’ Compensation Codes being reported. For each code reported, information from the Workers' Compensation Rates (WA001WorkersCompRates) table will be selected to print in the Rate Information section for that code. All rate records that were in effect over the time frame covered by the report will be printed. This will include the record with the latest effective date that is less than or equal to the Date Range Low entered on the Workers’ Compensation Report Parameters screen as well as all other records with effective dates greater than or equal to the Date Range Low, and less than or equal to the Date Range High.
Page Updated 9/03