Comp Tax Reporting


1 Status Report

2 Generated Invoice Report

3 Reporting Totals

2 Comp Tax Generated Invoice Report

The Comp Tax Generated Invoice Report allows you to view invoices that have been generated for payment to the Department of Revenue and, for each of these generated invoices, view a list of the associated vendor invoices on which the comp tax obligations originated.

Menu Path:

  1. From either the A/P menu or the Comp Tax menu, click the REporting button.

  2. On the Reports screen, from the Options list, highlight Comp Tax Generated Invoice Report.

  3. Click the Run button. The Comp Tax Status Generated Report screen opens.

  4. From the Sequence 1 drop down list, select the primary sequence in which you want the report to sort. Default is Invoice Status / Descending. If wanted, select Invoice Status/Descending.

  5. From the Sequence 2 drop down list, select the secondary sequence in which you want the report to sort. Default is Bank Acct / Invoice Number. If wanted, select Invoice Number.

  6. In the Ctx Invoice Status(es) frame, check the status of the invoices to include on the report:

  1. Check the Run Exception Report check box if you want the exception report to run with the status report.

The Exception Report lists vendor invoices for which compensating tax, calculated at the time of entry, is different from a current calculation based on the rate currently in the tax rate table.

This may occur if the tax rate used on the vendor’s invoice is changed between the time the vendor’s invoice was updated and the time the Exception Report is generated.

  1. As needed, enter a low and high Batch Number range. Comp Tax Invoices within this Batch Number range are included on the report provided they meet the other selection criteria.

  2. As needed, enter a low and high Bank Code range. Comp Tax Invoices with bank codes in this range are included on the report, provided they meet the other criteria you set.

  3. As needed, enter a low and high Invoice Date range. Comp Tax Invoices with invoice dates in this range will be included on the report, provided they meet the other criteria you set.

  4. Click the Print button. The Output Destination screen opens.

The system prompts you to select a print option. You can choose to print the reports to screen, to a printer, or to save the report for later viewing.

  1. Click the OK button.

  2. Click the Close button to return to the Reports screen.

  3. Click the Close button to return to the menu.

Version &endash; 010234 PL 061604
