County Treasurer Information Process


1 Introduction

2 Create CT Information

1 Introduction

Washington school districts are required to provide their County Treasurer with information about payments made. This allows the County Treasurer to track redeemed warrants.


If you do not send an electronic file to your County Treasurer, this function is not necessary. The Warrant Register is available from Accounts Payable Reports.


The Create County Treasurer Information process allows you to assign MICR warrant numbers to checks and then create an electronic ASCII file that the County Treasurer accesses for download. You also can print a warrant register for the checks contained in the selected check run.


If checks are lost or contained errors, or if the County Treasurer is unable to locate or has had problems with the download of the electronic file, you may need to use the Recreate Information for County Treasurer process to regenerate the ASCII file and/or warrant register.


In order to create the electronic ASCII file, the Financial Management System Administration Configuration District Wide Settings screen must have the MICR District field set to Yes. If set to No, the Create Info for C.T. button is not visible on the Accounts Payable button menu.


Accounts payable processing must be complete; including printing checks and assigning MICR numbers, before the County Treasurer electronic warrant file can be created.


Create County Treasurer Information:

Version &endash; 010236 PL 063004
