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Validate Crosswalk Codes


1 Overview

2 Exception Report

3 How-to

4 Selection Criteria

5 Tables Diagram


4 Selection Criteria

This program reads each record in the district's Account Code Descriptions, or dimension values, (FFAMAD-ACCT-DESCS) table. If a linked record does not exist in the Crosswalk Descriptions (FFXWAD-ACCT-DESCS) table for the selected fiscal year, an exception record is written to an output table.


If a linked record exists in the Crosswalk Descriptions table for the selected fiscal year, checked against system crosswalk codes, its crosswalk value is checked for validity. If it is not valid, an exception record is generated in the output table. If it is valid, the process moves to the next record in the Account Code Descriptions table. At the end of the process, the result is a report that displays all the accumulated exception records.


  1. Select records from the district's account dimension table that are required for state reporting. Records that are required for state reporting must represent a state-reportable fund.

  2. Find a crosswalk record for the account description record:

    1. If a record is not available, this is an exception and the following message appears in the exception report: "Crosswalk record missing."

    2. If a record is available, continue processing.

  3. Evaluate the state equivalent crosswalk value to determine if it is valid. If the record is for a fund description (FFAMAD-ACCT-DESCS.FFASDC-IND = "A01"):

    1. Where a Washington Crosswalk Codes (WA001SysXwalkCodes) can be found, the state equivalent crosswalk value is valid. Go on to the next account descriptions record.

    2. Where a record cannot be found, this is an exception and the following message appears in the exception report: "Crosswalk Value Not Valid."

  1. At the end of the process, all Account Code Description records have been read and evaluated (FFAMAD-ACCT-DESC).

  2. If no exceptions were found, set the crosswalk account description validation flag as complete. The other two validations remain incomplete:

    1. Account Descriptions (FFXWVC-VALIDATION-CONTROL.FFXWVC-VALID-DESC-X) = "Yes" for Valid Descriptions.

    2. Account Codes (FFXWVC-VALIDATION-CONTROL.FFXWVC-VALID-ACCT-X) = "No" for Valid Account Codes.

    3. Account Grids (FFXWVC-VALIDATION-CONTROL.FFXWVC-VALID-GRID-X) = "No" for Valid Account Grids.

  3. Print the accumulated exception records. If no exceptions were found, display the following message on the output "No Exceptions Found".

Page Updated 7/03
