Related Topics

Validate Crosswalk Accounts


1 Overview

2 Exception Report

3 How-to

4 User Tips

5 Tables Diagram


1 Overview

In order to be reportable, district Account Codes must be state reportable fund types as recognized by OSPI, and they must be valid for the selected fiscal year. Crosswalk Account Codes must have OSPI approved dimensions in use. Acceptable dimensions vary by fund.


Step 2 -- Use the Validate Crosswalk Accounts program to validate that each district account code in the chart of accounts has a corresponding crosswalk account, and that the values of each reportable description (dimension) in the crosswalk account are valid for the selected fiscal year. The process also validates that each dimension in the crosswalk account contains a valid value from the state table.


The program generates a report listing all account codes with invalid crosswalk values. When no errors are encountered, the second crosswalk validation, Valid Account Codes, is considered complete, and set to "Yes".  


Additional Step to Complete:

Page Updated 7/03
