Related Topics

Validate Crosswalk Accounts


1 Overview

2 Exception Report

3 How-to

4 User Tips

5 Tables Diagram


4 User Tips

  1. The first position of the Fund dimension in the District Chart of Accounts must be a valid state reporting fund if that fund is to be reported to the state. OSPI currently recognizes the following funds:

Fund Number

Fund Name


General Fund


Capital Projects Fund


Debt Service Fund


Associated Student Body Fund


Trust and Agency Fund (formerly the Expendable Trust Fund)


Permanent Fund (formerly the Nonexpendable Trust Fund)


Transportation Vehicle Fund

  1.  A school district may utilize the second position of the fund to further sub-divide their fund data.  

  2. If a particular fund is not to be reported to the state, the first position of fund in the District Chart of Accounts should be something different than a valid state reporting fund; otherwise an exception will be generated.     

  3. A valid state reporting fund is determined by its inclusion in the Washington State Crosswalks Dimensions (WA001SysSt RptDim) table.

Page Updated 7/03