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Budget Status Report


1 Overview

2 User Tips

3 General Fund Rpts

4 Capital Projects Fund Rpt

5 Debt Service Fund Rpt

6 ASB Fund Rpt

7 Transportation Vehicle Fund Rpt

8 How-to

9 Tables Diagram


2 User Tips

Here are a few tips to consider if you are moving from using the WISE Budget Status Report to this current WESPaC version. While the new WESPaC report fulfills all state reporting requirements, there are differences in how the report functions:



WISE Budget Status Report

WESPaC Budget Status Report

  1. Budget Balance Type

  • Allowed selection by Budget Balance Type

  • Does not include this as a selection option

  1. Summary line descriptions

  • Used a node level table "budttl" for reading the descriptions of summary lines.

  1. SPI edits

  • Provided an option to execute SPI edits.

  • Does not provide this option. A check is made to determine whether the accounts have passed all three crosswalk validations. If the crosswalk validations are not complete, an error message prints on the parameter page.


Other considerations in using the WESPaC Budget Status Report:

  1. The Cash Basis and Fund Balance versions of the report have the same information in the Revenues/Other Fin. Sources, and Expenditures areas. However the Cash Basis report starts and ends with cash and investment accounts. The Fund Balance report begins with revenues and other financial sources and ends with fund balance amounts.

  2. The Budget Status Report can be run for past years using the groupings that existed during the same period. It cannot be run for past years using groupings different from those existing during the same period.

  3. The Agency and OSPI report layouts have minor differences. In most cases, the OSPI layout is favored. For example:

Page Updated 4/07
