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There are three reports available from the Vendor Master Information screen. Another Vendor report is available in the Account Management module.
Unformatted Paragraph Report: Prints the vendor’s names and amounts paid in an on going paragraph format that is ";" separated.
Vendor Master Labels: Vendor labels can be set up to show the name of the contact person or phone number and key, in addition to name and address.
Vendor Report Card: Allows you to print, by fund, the total amount paid to vendors.
Vendor Check History: See Account Management Reports.
The Unformatted Paragraph Report allows you to create a report that can be used for mail merges. You also have the option to send the report to an ASCII file.
Menu Path: Financial Mngmnt / Vendor Master / Report
Select Unformatted Paragraph Report. The Unformatted Paragraph Parameters screen opens.
As necessary, enter a low and high range for the Vendor Key to include in the report.
As necessary, enter a low and high Amount range.
Vendors whose fiscal year to date payments total is within this range will be included in the report.
Click on or tab to the Fiscal Year field. The Fiscal Year Selection screen opens:
From the Fiscal Years list, highlight the fiscal year you want to include in the report.
Click the Select button.
Select the Sort Sequence you want to use on the report.
The report can sort by Vendor Key or by Amount.
If you want to create an ASCII file select the Yes option next to Create ASCII File. If set to No, proceed to Step 7.
If Yes is selected, enter the File Name to be created.
Enter the File Path for the ASCII file.
Click the Print button. The Output Destination screen opens.
The system prompts you to select a print option. You can choose to print the reports to screen, to a printer, or to save the report for later viewing.
Click the OK button.
Click the Close button when reporting is complete.
The Vendor Master Labels report allows you to create and print different styles of labels that can be used for mailings to vendors.
Menu Path: Financial Mngmnt / Vendor Master / Report
Select Vendor Master Labels. The Misc. Label Options screen opens.
If Vendor Type is used, as necessary, enter a low and high Vendor Type Range.
All vendors with Types in this range are included, provided they meet the other criteria you set.
If Vendor Sub Type is used, as necessary, enter a low and high Sub Type Range.
All vendors with Types in this range are included, provided they meet the other criteria you set.
As necessary, enter a low and high EIN #. This is 1099-M information.
All vendors in this range are included, provided they meet the other criteria you set.
As necessary, enter a low and high Social Security #. This is 1099 M information.
All vendors in this range are included, provided they meet the other criteria you set.
As necessary, enter a low and high Zip Code Range.
All vendors in this range are included, provided they meet the other criteria you set.
As necessary, enter a low and high Check Date Range.
All vendors in this range are included, provided they meet the other criteria you set.
As necessary, enter a low and high Amount.
The Amount is determined based on the selection made in the Base Amount Range on selection.
All vendors in this range are included, provided they meet the other criteria you set.
Select the Base Amount Range on from the drop down list. Your options are:
Fiscal Year-to-Date: includes only vendors whose fiscal year to date (September through August) totals equal the total amounts established in the Amount low and high range.
Calendar Year-to-Date: includes only vendors whose calendar year to date (January through December) totals equal the total amounts established in the Amount low and high range.
Enter the Fiscal Year or Calendar Year you want the base amount to calculate from.
From the second drop down list next to Base Amount Range on, select from the following:
Encumbered: The vendor’s total encumbered amount meets the low and high Amount criteria.
Purchases: The vendor’s total purchases amount meets the low and high Amount criteria
Payments: The vendor’s total payments amount meets the low and high Amount criteria
Discounts: The vendor’s total discounts amount meets the low and high Amount criteria
As needed, to determine what additional information is included on the label, in the Select Either the Contact Person or the Phone Numbers/Vendor Keys to Be Included on the Labels frame select from the following:
Include Contact Person OR: Select this check box if you want to print the contact person information on the labels. If this is checked, the Include Phone Numbers and Include Vendor Keys check boxes are inactive. The vendor’s A/P Contact information, name and address prints on the labels. The A/P Contact information prints on the first line of the label.
Include Phone Numbers: Select this check box if you want to print the vendor’s phone number on the labels. If this is checked, the Include Contact Person OR check box is inactive. The phone number information prints on the first line of the label.
Include Vendor Keys: Select this check box if you want to print the vendor’s key on the labels. If this is checked, the Include Contact Person OR check box is inactive. The name key information prints on the first line of the label.
The Include Phone Numbers and Include Vendor Keys check boxes can be used together.
If none are checked, only the vendor’s name and address prints on the labels.
If both the Include Phone Numbers and Include Vendor Keys are checked, the vendor’s phone number, name key, name and address print on the labels. The phone number and name key information prints on the first line with the phone number first and then name key.
In the Vendors frame select the Vendors to Include on the labels. You can select to include only Order From, Remit To, or Both.
In the Vendor Range frame in Vendors, as necessary, select a low and high vendor range.
Vendors in this range are included, provided they meet the other criteria set in the Label Selection Options frame.
You can select individual vendors, by clicking on the Ind. Vendors button. The Individual Vendor Selection screen opens.
From the Available Vendors list, highlight the vendor(s) to include on the labels.
Click the Add button. The vendor moves to the Selected Vendors list.
To select more that one vendor at a time, use the shift-click method to add a block of vendors or the control-click method to randomly select vendors from the list.
The Add All button adds all of the vendors to the Selected Vendors list.
HINT: Use the Vendor Key lookup to find vendors on the list rather than scrolling up and down the list.
Click the OK button to save and return to the Misc. Label Options screen. The vendors selected display in the Selected Vendors list.
Click the OK button. The Label Printing Options screen opens.
In the Labels Available frame, from the Rpt Description list, select the label format you want to use.
To limit the labels displayed in the Rpt Description list, in the View Labels frame, select the User or Skyward options. This limits the display to only those label formats that are defined by the User or by Skyward.
NOTE: You may not edit or delete a "Skyward" defined label. You may add, edit or delete a "User" defined label. See the Adding, Edit or Deleting a "User" defined label sections of this document.
Review the label information displayed in the Label Overrides and Label Default Settings frames.
As necessary, in the Label Overrides frame, change the following:
Number of Labels Across: This changes the number of labels in a row from left to right.
Start With Label: You can indicate which label you want to start printing with. This could be used if the labels did not all print correctly.
Number of Positions to Indent: This changes the number of positions to start printing from the left side
Label Sort Order: You can change the sort order of the data as it prints on the label. Your options are sort by Last Name, First Name, Zip Code or Order Created.
NOTE: If you have changed any information in the above fields, you may reestablish the system defaults by clicking the Reset button.
The Label Default Settings frame displays the label’s default settings. These settings are not updateable from this screen. Only "User" defined label settings can be changed via the Edit button at the top of this screen.
Click the Test Label button to see the format in which the labels will print.
The test labels do not contain any vendor information. It is a method to verify the label settings and alignment.
The Output Destination screen opens.
The system prompts you to select a print option. You can choose to print the reports to screen, to a printer, or to save the report for later viewing.
Click the OK button.
Click the Select button.
The Print Labels screen opens.
In the Begin Printing with This Label field, the beginning label displays.
In the Select label to begin printing with list, you can select the first label to print if different that the one selected by the system. The labels will then print from that point on.
Processing takes longer the more copies of each label is requested.
In the Number of Labels per Person field, determine how many labels you want to print for each individual vendor. "1" is the default. Up to 999 instances of each vendor can be printed.
Click the Print button. The Output Destination screen opens.
The system will prompt you to select a print option. You can choose to print the reports to screen, to a printer, or to save the report for later viewing.
Click the OK button to return to the Label Printing Options screen.
When creating a "User" defined label, it is recommended that you clone an existing label layout and then make modifications. See Cloning to create a "User" defined Label.
Menu Path: Financial Mngmnt / Vendor Master
On the Vendor Master Information screen, click the Report button.
Select Vendor Master Labels. The Misc. Label Options screen opens.
Set the ranges as necessary.
Click the OK button. The Label Printing Options screen opens.
Click the Add button.
A Question screen opens indicating that you have chosen to create a new label layout.
Click the Yes button. The New Label Setup screen opens.
Enter a Label Name.
If you want others to be able to use the label, click the Allow Others to Use check box.
If you want others to be able to update the label layout, click the Allow Others to Update check box.
NOTE: Both of these check boxes are checked by default.
Set the Top and Side Margins.
Set the Height and Width Label Dimensions.
Set the Vertical and Horizontal Pitch.
Set the Across and Down Number of Labels.
Set the Lines Per Inch, Char Per Inch, Label Type, and Orientation Page Set-up.
Click the Save button to save the new label settings and return to the Label Printing Options screen.
Cloning to Create a "User" Defined Label
Although you can add new label definitions from scratch, you can select an existing label’s settings and copy them to create a new label that you can then modify.
From the Label Printing Options screen, on the Rpt Description list, highlight the report description (label) whose settings are the closest match to the new label you want to create.
Click the Clone button. The New Label Setup screen opens.
Enter a Label Name.
If you want others to be able to use the label, click the Allow Others to Use check box.
If you want others to be able to update the label layout, click the Allow Others to Update check box.
As needed, set the Top and Side Margins.
As needed, set the Height and Width Label Dimensions.
As needed, set the Vertical and Horizontal Pitch.
As needed, set the Across and Down Number of Labels.
As needed, set the Lines per Inch, Char per Inch, Label Type, and Orientation Page Set-up.
Click the Save button to save the new label settings and return to the Label Printing Options screen.
Editing a "User" Defined Label
You can only make changes to a "User" defined label. "Skyward" defined labels can be cloned to create a "User" defined label and then changed.
From the Label Printing Options screen, on the Rpt Description list, highlight the report description (label) you want to change.
Click the Edit button. The New Label Setup screen opens.
Make any desired changes.
NOTE: If you change the Label Name, a new label name appears in the Rpt Description with the changes applied to it. The label originally selected for edit retains its original settings.
Click the Save button to save the new label settings and return to the Label Printing Options screen.
Deleting a "User" Defined Label
You can only delete a "User" defined label.
From the Label Printing Options screen, on the Rpt Description list, highlight the report description (label) you want to delete.
Click the Delete button.
The Confirm Delete screen opens asking if you are sure you want to delete the label layout.
Click the Yes button and return to the Label Printing Options screen.
A request is being sent to Skyward on this option to allow single funds. This is possibly a future enhancement.
The Vendor Report Card report contains vendor activity information by fund and amount.
For example, you can report on vendors who have less than $1500 in transactions during the fiscal year for each fund.
On the Vendor Master Information screen, click the Report button.
Select Vendor Report Card.
The Vendor Report Card Parameters screen opens.
Enter the fund designator information in each of the Fund fields (for example, 10 – General Fund, 20 – Capital Projects Fund, etc.).
HINT: Use "00" in the School Bus Replacement Fund field or if you want to report on perhaps the ASB Fund totals enter the ASB Fund number "40". You will need to remember that this is ASB fund as the report uses the titles displayed on this screen on the report.
In the Max Number of Vendors field enter the number of vendors you want to include on the report. Must be greater than 0. Maximum number is 999999.
Enter the Cut-off Amount. The report will not print any vendor totals below this amount.
Click the Process button. The Vendor Report Card Date Ranges screen opens.
Enter the Starting Date.
Enter the Ending Date. The Starting and Ending date can cross fiscal years.
Click the Print button. The Output Destination screen opens.
This report can take a few minutes to generate.
The system will prompt you to select a print option. You can choose to print the reports to screen, to a printer, or to save the report for later viewing.
Click the OK button.
Click the Close button on the Vendor Report Card Date Ranges screen.
Click the Close button on the Vendor Report Card Parameters screen.
Version – 010225 PL 12/3/03