Contents |
Mix Factor |
S-275 |
Salary Exhibit |
N/A |
Warning |
Warning |
Add-on: Suffix 0 found for add-on dollars.
N/A |
Error |
Error |
Add-on: No State Code defined in Code Table for Assignment Group/Duty derived from add-on suffix.
N/A |
Error |
N/A |
Add-on: Derived add-on Activity-Duty code combination is not valid per SPI.
Warning |
Warning |
Warning |
Assignment: No Position has been selected.
Warning |
Warning |
Warning |
Assignment: No Assignment has been selected.
Warning |
Warning |
Warning |
Assignment: Total dollars are less than zero.
Warning |
Warning |
Warning |
Assignment: Main Assignment dollars (not including add-on) are less than zero.
Warning |
Warning |
Warning |
Assignment: Total dollars are zero.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Assignment: No Breakdown records exist.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Assignment: No Position record exists.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Assignment: Total percentage for Breakdown records not equal to 100%.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Assignment: Breakdowns not defined for this assignment.
Warning |
Warning |
Warning |
Assignment: Sum of account code percentage on Breakdown records differs from the account code percentage on Payroll button.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Breakdown: No Program has been selected.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Breakdown: Program selected has no value in the State Code field in Codes Table.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Breakdown: No Activity has been selected.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Breakdown: Activity selected has no value in the State Code field in Codes Table.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Breakdown: No Duty has been selected.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Breakdown: Duty selected has no value in the State Code field in Codes Table.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Breakdown: Duty code is not 3 digits between 001-005 or 100-999.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Breakdown: Certificated Duty suffix is 0 and FTE is greater than 1.
N/A |
Warning |
Warning |
Breakdown: Classified Duty suffix is 0 and FTE is greater than 1.
N/A |
Warning |
Warning |
Breakdown: Duty suffix is 1 or 3 and assignment has hours.
N/A |
Error |
Error |
Breakdown: Duty suffix is 2 and assignment has no hours.
Error |
Error |
Error |
Breakdown: Program/Activity code combination not valid per OSPI.
N/A |
Error |
N/A |
Breakdown: Activity/Duty code combination not valid per OSPI.
Error |
Warning |
Error |
Breakdown: First position of the Duty code indicates (Certificated/Classified) assignment, but account code object is (x), Dimension 6.
Warning |
Warning |
Warning |
Breakdown: Program code not equal Crosswalk Account code Program (dimension 4).
Warning |
Warning |
Warning |
Breakdown: Activity code not equal Crosswalk Account code Activity (dimension 5).
Error |
Warning |
Error |
Breakdown: Account attached to Breakdown record does not exist on the Payroll button account code list.
Error |
Warning |
Error |
Breakdown: No Account has been selected.
Warning |
Warning |
Error |
Crosswalk account not found for account.
Page Updated 06/11