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Workers' Compensation Report


1 Overview

2 Background

3 Sample Reports

4 How-to

5 Fields

6 Selection Criteria

7 Tables Diagram


3 Sample Report


The second part of this report shows the Workers’ Compensation Rate table.


For districts that are self-insured for workers’ compensation, who have selected the Payroll Configuration Option, “Use WC Self-Insured Overpayment Rate” the value in the Medical Aid Employee Rate field is used for the Overpayment Reimbursement Fund Rate, and is displayed as follows:


For districts that are not self-insured for workers’ compensation, who have not selected the Payroll Configuration Option, “Use WC Self-Insured Overpayment Rate” the value in the Medical Aid Employee Rate field is used for the Medical Aid Rate, and is displayed as follows:

Page Updated 9/09
