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Create County Treasurer Information


1 Overview

2 Warrant Register Report

3 How-to

4 ASCII File Format

5 Tables Diagrams (1)

6 Tables Diagrams (2)


1 Overview

Washington school districts are required to provide their County Treasurer with information about payments as they are made. This allows the County Treasurer to track warrants as they are redeemed.


Use this process to designate a range of MICR warrant numbers and then create an electronic file to send to the County Treasurer, and/or create a printable warrant register.


A separate Recreate Information for County Treasurer process may be used if the ASCII file and/or warrant register need to be regenerated. This is a useful feature if printed checks were lost or contain errors.


This process may be used to create County Treasurer Information when all of the following have been done:

  1. The System Admin District Wide Settings screen MICR District field is set to "Yes". This makes the CREATE INFO FOR C.T. button visible and allows the process to be used. (You must have System Administrator access to perform this setup.)

  2. The normal steps of the Payroll process have been followed in Payroll/Current Payroll, including printing checks.

    Add a run number to create a Payroll file.


    Select employees to be paid.


    Calculate the Payroll.


    Validate paycheck information in the Check Register.


    Print Checks.




Page Updated 8/04
