Related topic: Payroll Retirement Reports

Payroll Retirement Codes

Use the following codes for table setup in Washington Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) reporting. Data may be viewed, reported, or downloaded to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.


Warning:  WSIPC will maintain these tables, but a district may grant security access for maintenance. Access should be limited to one or two users per district. Contact your data center before making ANY updates to the Retirement tables. Updating these tables could result in incorrect data being transmitted to DRS and incorrect calculations of deductions, benefits and the remittance to DRS.  




System Rates

rates for employees participating in plans 1 or 2 retirement systems. (See Retirement Defined Contribution for plan 3)

System Plan, Deduction Codes

retirement plans and deduction codes

System Plan, Benefit Codes

retirement plans and benefit codes

System & Plan Codes

system, plan, and status codes

Defined Contribution

rates for employees participating in a plan 3 retirement system. (See Retirement System Rates for plans 1 or 2.)

System Plan Status

retirement status codes associated with the system and plan

Status Codes

status and type codes for transmittals

System and Type Definitions

codes for employer types and employee job types.

Choice Codes

reason codes for placing employees in plans 2 or 3

System Group Numbers

retirement system codes, related descriptions, and district group numbers

See also HR Messages, for error and warning messages that display in the Payroll Retirement process. (HR / Payroll / Utilities)

Page Updated 3/04
