The following criteria are used by the program to select data for creating the report:
Employee Information selection: The Employee Information section will print all data from the Pay Records (HPATRP-TRAN-PAY) table being processed in the current payroll, regardless of whether they are subject to Workers’ Compensation deductions or benefits.
Deduction/Benefit selection: Deduction and benefit amounts reported in the Employee Information section are taken from all Workers’ Compensation-related deductions and benefits associated with the selected Pay records.
Workers’ Compensation-related deductions are selected from the Pay Transactions Deductions (HPATRD-TRAN-DED) table, with records identified with a Group Code (HPATRD-GRP-CODE) of "Tax" and a Tax Type (HPATRD-TAX-TYPE) of "W" for Workers’ Compensation tax or "X" for Workers' Compensation Adjustment.
Workers’ Compensation benefits are selected from the Pay Transactions Benefits (HPATRF-TRAN-BEN) table, with records identified with a Group Code (HPATRF-GRP-CODE) of "Tax" and a Tax Type (HPATRF-TAX-TYPE) of "W" for Workers' Compensation tax or "X" for Workers' Compensation Adjustment.
Rate Information selection: Data for the Rate Information section is selected from the Workers' Compensation Rates (WA001WorkersCompRates) table. Only rate records in effect for the current payroll will be printed. The latest Rate Effective Date (WCRateEffectiveDate) in a rate record must be less than or equal to the latest Period End Date (HPATRP-PE-DTE) for the selected payroll.
Page Updated 6/03