Related Topics

Verify Interdimension Compatibility


1 Overview

2 Exception Report

3 How-to

4 Selection Criteria

5 Tables Diagram


2 Incompatible Crosswalk Dimensions Exception Report

The report displays accounts and the corresponding crosswalk accounts where the crosswalk account contains invalid combinations of dimension values. The report includes accumulated summary counts by account type, including only those accounts that are part of state reportable funds of which OSPI has defined General Ledger accounts. The list of funds to include is determined by the fund having a record in the Washington State table that describes what account code dimensions are used for state reporting.  


The program assumes the second validation "flag", Valid Accounts, has been completed successfully because the second crosswalk validation flag is marked "Yes". Therefore, if an account in the account master file does not have an equivalent crosswalk account, the account will be ignored and will not show up as an exception.


This report contains two parts:

  1. Fund Balance Sheet Accounts: Each fund is listed, with a comparison of  both the local account numbers and crosswalk account numbers.


  1. Report Summary of all accounts:

Page Updated 6/04
