Related Topics

Verify Interdimension Compatibility


1 Overview

2 Exception Report

3 How-to

4 Selection Criteria

5 Tables Diagram


4 Selection Criteria

This program will run only after two prior steps have verified that

  1. Each of the dimension definitions required for state reporting has a valid dimension crosswalk. Account description validation is complete.  

  2. Each account with a fund that is state-defined has a crosswalk account defined and the individual dimensions in the crosswalk that are reported to the state are valid. Account Codes validation is complete.

This process verifies that the combinations of the dimensions reported to the state are valid combinations.  The following tables are used for the verification:

Exceptions are written to an exception report. If there are no exceptions, the validation control flag is set that allows state reports to be run.


Process Detail:

  1. Initiate the process, and select a fiscal year.  

  2. Check the crosswalk validation for the selected fiscal year. The first two validations must be complete prior to running this final validation. If both validations are complete, the run button is enabled and the crosswalk grid validation is set as incomplete.   

  3. Identify the dimension number that stores the Fund and Account Type (SYS-FFASAM-ACCT-MST).

  4. For each account code in the District Accounts Master table, find the crosswalk record for the user-selected fiscal year.  

  5. Determine which dimensions in the crosswalk must be verified for compatibility. The possible dimensions include "4"-"6."  The dimensions to be included in the verification are defined in the values of the State Required Account Dimensions table, listed by fund and account type. (WA001SysStRptDim)

There should be a combination of Crosswalk Account Dimensions records (FFXWAN-XWALK-ACCT-NBR). This combination then determines how the crosswalk account should be validated. Possible combinations include "456", "45", "46", or none. If none is encountered, go onto the next Account Structure Layout Master (FFAMAM-ACCT-MST) record.

  1. Write invalid records to output.  

  2. If no invalid records are found, update the grid validation as complete. The following message is printed: "All crosswalks are compatible: State reports can be printed."

Page Updated 7/03
