WESPaC users will have separate places in which to submit the Salary extract file and the NERC extract file. Please make sure your business practice accomodates this functionality. We will rely on a manual process to ensure the BUD and SAL files are consistent.
To continue the business practice of submitting one fund at a time into the 1SPI system, the extract files must be submitted individually and before another extract file is created. This process will create one extract file with one or more funds included.
An error report is not generated during this process. The edit check on crosswalk account codes is completed by a separate process.
This program does a calculation for generating Estimated Ending Fund Balance for Equity accounts. The calculation uses the beginning balance, plus all revenues added to it, minus all expenditures. If a school district has revenues and/or expenses that are added to another revenue and expense prior to being added to the Equity account, the Estimated Ending Balance may not be accurate. The current design of the F-195 does not support adding of revenues and expenses to other revenues and expenses.
Because a calculation is used for estimated ending balance, if a district budgets operating transfers, the transfer amounts should be entered in the budget bucket for the appropriate expense or revenue account (for example, 535 or 960-9900). The expense and revenue accounts should then be added to the appropriate equity account. Having these elements in place will ensure an accurate calculation for estimated ending fund balance.
Page Updated 5/07