The following criteria are used by the program to select data for the F-195 report.
Important: Three validations must be complete before the report can be run successfully. Each must have a value of "yes".
Select the Fiscal Year. (FFAMFA-FIS-YTD.FFAMDB-FIS-YEAR)
Select the fund(s). Display all fund codes that have a crosswalk description. (Display FFAMAD-ACCT-DESC.FFAMAD-CODE when FFASDC-IND = "fund" AND FFAMAD-ACCT-DESC.FFAMAD-XWALK is not equal to blank.)
Determine the dimension number that stores account type. (SYS-FFASAD-ACCT-MST.FFAMSAM-POS-TYPE when SYS-FFASAM-ACCT-MST.FFAACT-SYS-CODE = "WA01")
Determine the dimension number that stores fund. (SYS-FFASAD-ACCT-MST.FFASAM-POS-FUND when SYS-FFASAM-ACCT-MST.FFAACT-SYS-CODE = "WA01")
Generate a list of accounts from the year to date account table that matches the fiscal year selected. (FFAFMAFA-FIS-YTD.FFAMFA-FIS-YEAR = "selected")
Budget Dollars to report. (FFAMFA-FIS-YTD): For each account, add dollars from the original, revision, and transfers fields to get the account’s budget value after revisions and transfers. (FFAMFA-FIS-YTD.FFAMFA-ORG-BUDGET+ FFAM-FIS-YTD.FFAMFA-REVISIONS+ FFAMFA-FIS-YTD.FFAMFA-TRANSFERS)
Expenditure data for Fund 2 will not be included. Fund 2 expenditures have to do with projects. OSPI does not assign project numbers, and expects districts to manually enter projects into the 1SPI system. The projects are assigned a sequential number in that system and the dollar values are written out as an "item number" account type.
Identify Fund 2 accounts in the detail budget table, identified with account IDs: If FFXWAN-XWALK-ACCT-NBR.FFXWAN-XWALK-ACCT-DIM [Type] = "2" and FFXWAN-XWALK-ACCT-NBR.FFXWAN-XWALK-ACCT-DIM [Fund] begins "2", do not include the account in the F-195 Budget File Extract.
Determine the dimension number of the account code that stores the account type.
Filter out Fund 2 accounts that are expense types.
Objects 2 and 3 are not included in the F-195 BUD SPI extract file.
Determine the dimension number of the account code that stores the object. (SYS-FFASAM-ACCT-MST.FFAMSAM-POS-OBJ when SYS-FFASAM-ACCT-MST.FFAACT-SYS-CODE = "FFAACT-CONTROL-FILE.FFAACT-SYS-CODE")
Filter out accounts that include objects 2 and 3 from the accounts in the detail budget table listing account IDs.
Equity type accounts must report beginning and ending balances in the extract file. A unique item number exists for the account’s estimated beginning and ending balances.
Theending balance must be calculated. For all accounts that summarize the qualifying equity account, add all revenue budget balances and subtract all expense budget balances from the beginning balance. A qualifying equity account is an account that is an equity type, is part of a valid reporting fund, and has an item number for beginning and ending balances. (The calculation of the estimated ending balance includes accounts where FFAMAM-ACCT-MST.FFAMSA-CODE = qualifying equity account.)
Negative amounts:
Summary by F-195 reporting number: Budget dollar amounts are entered by the user by account code. Positive or negative dollar amounts may be entered for each individual budget account code in legacy and Skyward. The account codes are then summarized based upon F-195 reporting number. The reporting number represents a record in the F-195 extract file. The reporting number can be an item number, revenue code, or program-activity-object combination. A positive dollar amount should result.
F-195 1SPI Application: The 1SPI application uses the F-195 extract file as input into its system. This system does not accept any records with a negative value. If a negative value is encountered, an error is generated and the record is rejected.
Object 1 Credit Transfer summation records: F-195 records that represent object 1 Credit Transfers are inherently negative values. The F-195 1SPI application expects these values to be positive, and changes them to positive values by multiplying by negative 1.
Summation records that are not Credit Transfers (not object 1): F-195 extract file records that are not object 1 Credit Transfers may be summarized and need to be reported as a negative value. In the legacy application, these records are currently multiplied by a negative 1 and forced to be reported as positive. To the best of our knowledge, this is only done to accommodate the 1SPI application. By multiplying these values by negative 1 they may be being reported inaccurately.
Account Code to report: Update the list of accounts with the SPI account code value based upon the account’s fund and account type with information in the Washington State table. Positions of the account code are repeated based upon records in the State Account Dimensions (WA001SysStRptDim) table.
Expense type accounts include the PPAAO – Program, Activity, Object (x5) values of the account code. The actual dimensions reported are different based upon fund type and not all accounts will have each dimension (program, activity, and object).
Revenue type accounts include the RRRR – Revenue (x4) values of the account code. The actual dimensions reported are different based upon fund type. For example, ASB fund has a dimension called "club" that is reported.
All other or Misc. Items accounts include the OSPI Item number (x3). The OSPI Item number resides in the State Item Values (WA001SysSpiItem) table.
SPI Item numbers: For each fund, identify the accounts that qualify for reporting by SPI Item number. The information in the State Item Values (WA001SysSpiItem) table describes which accounts require an Item number.
WA0001SysSpiItm.SpiItmFisYear = selected fiscal year.
WA0001SysSpiItm.SpiItmFundType = first position of account code dimension FFXWAN-XWALK-ACCT-NBR.XWALK-ACCT-DIM[Fund].
WA0001SysSpiItm.SpiItmBud = Budget value description. Included values are "B", "E", or "N". If the value is an "E", an estimated ending balance value needs to be calculated for that fund.
WA0001SysSpiItm.SpiItmItemSrc = Item Source. Values represent General Ledger accounts, Clubs, Programs, and others.
WA0001SysSpiItm.SpiItmF195Itm= Item Number. This extract file value represents budget dollars for the fund type and account code matching the other fields in the Item table.
Report budget dollars, summarized by account code, included in the extract file.
Page Updated 4/04