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S-275 Report


1 Overview

2 Data Validation

3 Edit Journal

4 Personnel Report

5 How-to

6 User Tips

7 Edit Journal Fields

8 Report Fields

9 Transmittal File Fields

2 Data Validation

The Data Validation Report runs each time the S-275 Report is executed and prints first if Data Validation errors or warnings exist. However, only Data Validation messages for the S-275 Report will be displayed.  Exception messages on this report will not prevent the S-275 Report from processing but could result in incorrect or incomplete data on that report. Therefore, all errors and warnings on the Data Validation should be evaluated and/or resolved before proceeding with S-275 Reporting.


The Data Validation report lists messages by Employee. See the WESPaC Data Validation pages in PaC help for error listings.


Page Updated 11/08
