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S-275 Report


1 Overview

2 Data Validation

3 Edit Journal

4 Personnel Report

5 How-to

6 User Tips

7 Edit Journal Fields

8 Report Fields

9 Transmittal File Fields

1 Overview

Best Practice WESPaC Salary Negotiations Reporting Strategies

The S-275 Report is a record of certificated and classified employees of school districts and Educational Service Districts (ESDs) in the state of Washington. All school district and ESD personnel employed as of October 1 of each school year are reported to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). The report has demographic, education, salary, and benefit information. Information must be current as of October 1 of each school year, and the initial report is usually due approximately November 1. See the OSPI Web site for current instructions.


Data Validation

The WESPaC Data Validation Report is automatically run when the S-275 Report is selected.  Errors and Warnings on the Data Validation Report will not prevent the S-275 edit process from proceeding.


Edit Process

The S-275 edit process performs most of the same edits that are done in the OSPI system. This allows you to check your reporting data and make corrections as needed before a transmittal file can be created and sent to OSPI. The edit process produces a list of errors and warnings. All edit errors must be corrected and an error-free edit run before the transmittal file can be created. Warning edits do not have to be corrected.


Each time the data extract file is generated, the file name will be APP<ccddd>D<yymmdd>T<hhmmss>C.DAT where <ccddd> is the county district code, <yymmdd> is the year, month, and day of creation, <hhmmss> is the time of creation, and C represents a complete extract file as opposed to a partial or update extract file. This is the name the OSPI system expects.  For example, a transmittal file for Bethel School District, County and District # 27403, created on October 21, 2008 at 2:16 PM would be named: APP27403D081021T141626C.DAT.  Because the extract file is now effectively time-stamped, previously generated extract files will not be replaced. When the transmittal process detects the APP<ccddd>D<yymmdd>T<hhmmss>C.DAT file in the export/Fin_Sec directory, a copy is forwarded to OSPI and then the original APP<ccddd>D<yymmdd>T<hhmmss>C.DAT file in the export/Fin_Sec directory is renamed to APP<ccddd>D<yymmdd>T<hhmmss>C.TXT to avoid multiple transmittals of the same file.

Page Updated 11/08
