Report Topics

Check Processing


1 Overview

2 Check Register

3 Check Summary

4 Print Vouchers

5 Print Checks

6 Update

7 Log


2 Creating a Check Register

Invoices must be updated and have a status of "Open" before you can create a check to pay for an invoice. You may run this process as often as needed until checks are printed, processing either all the batches updated since your last run, or selecting a single updated batch of invoices. After checks have been printed, this button will be disabled until the register is updated or the print flag is reset. Other buttons on this screen may not be used until a check register is created.


  2. Click A/P.

  3. Click CHECK PROC. to open the Check Processing Options screen.

  4. Click CHK REGSTR to open the Accounting Update screen:

  5. Enter a Cash Account in one of two ways:

    1. Begin typing the bank cash account code in theCash Account EEL field. Select an account code from the list that appears as you begin to type.

-- OR --

    1. Click CASH ACCOUNT. Select an account code and click SELECT.

  1. Additional fields:

    1. Max. Due Date: Today's date is the default date, which may be changed. Only "open" status invoices dated on or before this date may be selected for creating checks.

    2. Batch Range: Enter a Low and High range or keep the default range of all.

    3. Next Computer Check #: This must be entered the first time the cash account is selected. The system automatically displays the next check number thereafter.

    4. Date to Appear on Check: The date you plan to print the checks. Today's date is the default value.

    5. Posting Date: The transaction date for the accounting update to the check register. This date is also used to determine the appropriate fiscal year. Today's date is the default value.

  2. Optional selections: Click SAVE to save these parameters for future use. Click LOAD to use previously saved parameters. Click RESET to reset this screen to default values.

  3. Click OK to create the check register or CLOSE to exit this screen.

  4. Select an Output and Printer from the listed options. (The output may be viewed on screen or printed.)

  5. Click OK to create both a Check Register and Accounting Register.

  6. Review information in the Check Register, which contains a record of your entries..

  7. Close or save the report. This opens the Accounting Register.

  8. Review the Accounting Register, which identifies the invoices you have selected to pay.

  9. Close or save this report.

Page Updated 1/08
