Report Topics

Check Processing


1 Overview

2 Check Register

3 Check Summary

4 Print Vouchers

5 Print Checks

6 Update

7 Log


3 Creating Check Summary Reports

Create check summary reports after the check register has been created. There must be an existing check register to be able to run any check summaries.

You may include a Board Certification section as the first section of the report. (The Systems Admin area includes a setup area for the Number of Board Signatures on Certification. Setup requires System Administrator access.)


  2. Click A/P.

  3. Click CHECK PROC. to open the Check Processing Options screen.


  5. Enter report selections in the Check Summary Report Options screen:

    1. Check Types: Select "Yes" or "No" to include Manual Checks, Computer Checks, Void checks.

    2. Board Date: The entered date must be earlier than the Pay Date.

    3. Select Reports to Process: While all of the reports can be created, select one of the four report types to print with board certification. Enter the following information:

      1. Nbr Copies: Number of copies to print

      2. Line Spacing: "Single" or "Double" (Choice available for first two report types only)

      3. Fund Totals: "Yes" or "No"

      4. Board Certification: Select only one of the four reports.

    1. Optional selections:

      1. Click SAVE  to save these parameters for future use.

      2. Click LOAD  to load a previous set of parameters.

      3. Click RESET to replace screen values with default values.

    2. Click PRINT to create the report or CLOSE to exit.

    3. The Output Destination screen opens if PRINT was clicked:

      1. Select an Output and Printer from the listed options.

      2. Click OK to create the report or CANCEL to exit.

Printer Options:

      1. How to Print a Report

      2. How to Create an ASCII File

Page Updated 8/04
