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S-275 Report


1 Overview

2 Data Validation

3 Edit Journal

4 Personnel Report

5 How-to

6 User Tips

7 Edit Journal Fields

8 Report Fields

9 Transmittal File Fields

4 Personnel Report


Data Category


% TIME (Percent of Time)

  • Item D.4 in the S-275 instructions.

  • Percent of certificated contracted time.

  • Reported for individuals with at least one certificated base contract assignment.

  • The total of all assignments for a person cannot exceed 100 percent, which is displayed as 1000 on the report.

ACADEM (Academic Credits)

  • Item B.3 in the S-275 instructions.

  • Total academic credits since highest degree.

  • Reported for individuals with at least one certificated assignment.

BASE (Base Salary)

  • The calculated total of all assignment salary for assignments with duty suffix = 0.

  • The sum of the individual rounded assignment salary values.

  • The value is rounded to whole dollars.

  • The total contract amount for the assignments. Total Contract Amount on the Assignment Maintenance screen.

BLDG (Assignment Detail Building)

  • Item D.1 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The first four positions of state-assigned building number.

CERT (Certificated FTE)

  • Item C.3 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The calculated FTE for the assignment. Calc F.T.E. on the Assignment Maintenance screen is a calculated field used in the S-275 Report.

  • Reported for individuals with at least one certificated base contract assignment.

  • The value is rounded and only three positions to the right of the decimal are used.

CLASS (Classified FTE)

  • Item C.3 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The calculated FTE for the assignment. Calc F.T.E. on the Assignment Maintenance screen is a calculated field used in the S-275 Report.

  • Displayed on report for individuals with at least one classified time-driven (duty suffix = 0) assignment, but not reported in transmittal file.

  • The value is rounded and only three positions to the right of the decimal are used.


  • Item A.8 in the S-275 instructions.

  • Valid codes are: blank, "C", "B", "R", "T", "N".

DAYS (Full Days)

  • Item C.2 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The number of work days in a year associated with a full-time certificated base contract position.

  • Reported for individuals with at least one certificated assignment.

  • The calculated Full Days data is based on the position used for the Full Hours value.

  • The value is rounded and only one position to the right of the decimal is used.

EXCES (Excess Credits)

  • Item B.5 in the S-275 instructions.

  • Total credits in excess of 45 earned between the BA and MA.

  • Reported for individuals with at least one certificated assignment.

FINAL (Final Salary)

  • Item C.4 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The sum of all gross pay records based on the fiscal year of the selected plan.

  • Escalating fiscal-to-date gross pay.

  • The value is rounded to whole dollars.

  • Each time the transmittal file is created, the current fiscal-to-date gross pay will be used.

GRADE (Assignment Detail Grade)

  • Item D.3 in the S-275 instructions.

  • SPI assignment grade group.

  • Valid grade groups are: blank, "P", "K", "E", "M", "S".

  • If a "Grade From" state code exists on an assignment record, it will be reported regardless of whether the code is required for that type of assignment.

  • The edit process will determine if the grade group on the assignment is valid with the assignment code.

HRS (Full Hours)

  • Item C.1 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The hours per day associated with a full-time certificated base contract position.

  • The value is rounded and only two positions to the right of the decimal are used.

  • Reported for individuals with at least one certificated base contract assignment.

  • If an individual has more than one position and the positions have different number of days values, then the position with the highest total hours (hours per day * number of days) is used.

  • If more than one position has the same total hours, then the position with the greatest hours per day value is used.

  • If more than one position is found with different full-time hours and days, this message is displayed on the edit journal: "Multiple positions found with different full-time hours and days."

HRS/YR (Assignment Detail Hours)

  • Item D.5 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The assignment hours per year.

INSUR (Insurance Benefits)

  • Item C.5 in the S-275 instructions.

  • Any benefit that is not mandatory benefits will be concluded to be insurance.

  • The Deduction/Benefit Group Code is not equal to "Tax" or "Ret" [Retired]. All other group codes will be concluded to be insurance.

  • The sum of insurance benefits records for an individual.

  • The value is rounded to whole dollars.

MAND (Mandatory Benefits)

  • Item C.6 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The sum of Retirement, FICA, Medicare, Worker’s Compensation, and Unemployment benefits.

  • The Deduction/Benefit Group Code is equal to "Tax" or "Ret" [Retired].

  • The sum of mandatory benefits records for an individual.

  • The value is rounded to whole dollars.


  • Item A.4 in the S-275 instructions.

  • Up to 42 characters of the employee name will display on the report.

  • The display format will be either Last, First, Middle or First, Middle, Last depending on the district’s system wide setting.

  • The report will always sort by Last, First, Middle name.

  • The field sizes for the transmittal file are: Last Name for 18 characters, First Name for 12 characters, and Middle Name for 12 characters.


  • System assigned.

  • The employee’s identifier.

NONDGR (Non-Degree Credits)

  • Item B.6 in the S-275 instructions.

  • Total non-degree credits.

  • Reported for individuals with at least one certificated assignment.

PP-AA-DDD (Assignment Detail SPI Assignment)

  • Item D.2 in the S-275 instructions.

  • PP = Position/Program Code

  • AA = Assignment/Activity Code

  • DDD = Group/Duty Code

  • A SPI assignment code will be created for assignment add-ons (supplemental dollars). The position/program, assignment/activity, and the first two positions of the group/duty code will be used from the assignment record. The third position of the group/duty code will be derived from the add-on state code.

SALARY (Assignment Detail Salary)

  • Item D.6 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The current assignment salary.

  • The value is rounded to whole dollars.


  • Item A.3 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The employee’s Social Security number.

TYPE (Degree Type)

  • Item B.1 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The highest degree determined as of October 1 of the selected plan year.

  • Reported for individuals with at least one certificated assignment.

  • Degrees with blank state codes are ignored.

  • Degrees with state codes not in the valid list of codes are ignored.

  • The report process uses a lowest to highest hierarchy (Blank, "S", "V", "B", "H", "G", "M", "D") when determining the highest degree.

  • If a person has a bachelor’s degree and a vocational degree, then the degree that should be reported needs a valid state code of "B" or "V". The degree that should not be reported can have a blank state code or an invalid state code. The State Code is with the Degree Code in the Degree Codes screen.

  • A degree will not be in the report process if the Approve Date on the Add Edit screen is blank.

YEAR (Degree Year)

  • Item B.2 in the S-275 instructions.

  • The year degree type was obtained.

  • Reported for individuals with at least one certificated assignment.

  • If a person has more than one degree with the same valid state code, then the degree with the earlier date is used in the report process.

  • The transmittal file has two-position year only. For example, 1976 would be "76"

YRS EXP (Years of Experience)

  • Item B.7 in the S-275 instructions.

  • Total years of experience determined as of October 1 of the selected plan year.

  • Reported for individuals with at least one certificated assignment.

  • Experience to be reported is determined from records in the WESPaC Experience Table.

  • Any records coded with the "state reportable flag" will be included.

Report Footer



No footer prints when the edit process is run and no errors exist.

*** SPI edit errors exist. ***

This footer prints when the edit process is run and errors exist.

*** SPI edit errors may exist. ***

This footer prints when the edit process is not run.



Page Updated 8/08
