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SPI Salary Exhibit Reports


1 Overview

2 Data Validation

3 Exception Report

4 Certificated Employees Rpt

5 Classified Employees Rpt

6 Benefits Report

7 Summary Report

8 How-to

9 User Tips

10 Exception Rpt Fields

11 Certificated Employees Rpt Fields

12 Classified Employees Rpt Fields

13 Benefits Report Fields

14 Summary Rpt Fields

15 F-195 Data Extract File Fields


13 Benefits Salary Exhibit by SPI Assignment Fields

The following fields are used in this report:

Field Name

Path to data field

Table/ field ID

Fiscal Year

Calculated from Year field: Human Resources / Salary Negotiations / Position Maintenance



Program Code

Human Resources / Salary Negotiations / Position Maintenance


Program Description


SPI Assignment

Program, activity, and duty codes from HAADSC-DESCS.HAADSC-CODE

Title of Position

Description of duty codes from HAADSC-DESCS.HAADSC-DESC


Calculated Data

Field Name

How Calculated


Calculated sum of all benefit dollars: Benefit Amount (HPMPLR-RESULTS.HPMPLR-AMOUNT) where the Type Indicator (HPMPLR-RESULTS.HPMPLR-TYPE-IND) = "F" for "benefit" = The total benefit dollars found for the specific SPI Assignment code.

Page Updated 8/08
