Contents 11 Certificated Employees Rpt Fields 12 Classified Employees Rpt Fields 15 F-195 Data Extract File Fields
Program, Activity, and Duty Codes:
Codes and descriptions from the HR Descriptions (HAADSC-DESCS) table are used in the SPI Salary Exhibit Reports, F-195 extract data, and other reports. This table contains all kinds of codes and descriptions used by the HR system.
As of the April, 2008 Standard Release, Program, Activity and Duty values come from the Assignment Breakdown area. Values in the Assignment-level Position, Assignment and Group fields are not directly involved in state reporting (unless agency still uses old, SPI-style Position structure, in which case an Assignment’s Position-Assignment-Group will be automatically copied to an Assignment Breakdown’s Program-Activity-Duty for reporting).
Each program, activity, and duty entry in the codes table needs to have a valid Washington state code assigned to it.
Report Page Numbering:
The page numbering in the reports will be sequential no matter how many report types are run at the same time. If you choose to print more than one type of report in the same session, the page numbers will not start over whenever a different report begins.
Certificated report is pages 1-10.
Classified report is pages 11-15.
When the report is viewed on the screen, the sequential page numbering will match the count in the viewer and make it easier to select a page range to print to paper.
Page Updated 8/08