Contents 11 Certificated Employees Rpt Fields 12 Classified Employees Rpt Fields 15 F-195 Data Extract File Fields
This is a one-page summary that automatically follows the Salary Exhibit detail reports for Certificated Employees, Classified Employees, and Benefits. Displayed information is limited to the report or reports selected:
If the Certificated Salaries report option is selected, then the report provides information in the "Certificated"’ columns only.
If the Classified Salaries report option is selected, then the report provides information in the "Classified" columns only.
The Benefits report option selects data based on object 4, which can apply to either certificated or classified assignment records. Information is displayed in the "Cert & Class Benefits" column only.
If all report options are selected, then the report provides information in all three columns.
Totals are displayed by program code.
The program subtotals on the detail report match the program totals on the summary report.
Page Updated 8/08