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SPI Salary Exhibit Reports


1 Overview

2 Data Validation

3 Exception Report

4 Certificated Employees Rpt

5 Classified Employees Rpt

6 Benefits Report

7 Summary Report

8 How-to

9 User Tips

10 Exception Rpt Fields

11 Certificated Employees Rpt Fields

12 Classified Employees Rpt Fields

13 Benefits Report Fields

14 Summary Rpt Fields

15 F-195 Data Extract File Fields


14 Salary Exhibit Summary Report Fields

The following fields are used in this report:

Field Name

Path to data field

Table/ field ID

Fiscal Year

Calculated from Year field: Human Resources / Salary Negotiations / Position Maintenance



Program Code

Human Resources / Salary Negotiations / Position Maintenance


Program Description


SPI Assignment

Program, activity, and duty codes from HAADSC-DESCS.HAADSC-CODE

Title of Position

Description of duty codes from HAADSC-DESCS.HAADSC-DESC


Calculated Data

Field Name

How Calculated

Certificated FTE

Matches the subtotal amount on the certificated detail report.

Certificated Salary

Matches the amount on the certificated detail report.

Classified FTE

Matches the amount on the classified detail report.

Classified Salary

Matches the amount on the certificated detail report.

Certificated and Classified Benefits

Matches the amounts in the detail reports.

Page Updated 8/08
