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SPI Salary Exhibit Reports


1 Overview

2 Data Validation

3 Exception Report

4 Certificated Employees Rpt

5 Classified Employees Rpt

6 Benefits Report

7 Summary Report

8 How-to

9 User Tips

10 Exception Rpt Fields

11 Certificated Employees Rpt Fields

12 Classified Employees Rpt Fields

13 Benefits Report Fields

14 Summary Rpt Fields

15 F-195 Data Extract File Fields


1 Overview   

Best Practice WESPaC Salary Negotiations Reporting Strategies | WESPaC Budgeting Process

The SPI Salary Exhibit Reports process is used to create the F-195 extract file of salary, FTE, and benefit information for the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Reports can be printed for certificated salaries, classified salaries, or benefits.


The WESPaC Data Validation report automatically runs when SPI Salary Exhibit Reports are requested.  The Data Validation Exception Report will print if warnings or errors exist.  Data Validation warnings and errors will not prevent the Salary Exhibit Reports from running.


A SPI Salary Exhibit exception report will print prior to the detail report if errors are found. The detail report is by program, by SPI assignment, and the summary report is by program.


Page Updated 8/08