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SPI Salary Exhibit Reports


1 Overview

2 Data Validation

3 Exception Report

4 Certificated Employees Rpt

5 Classified Employees Rpt

6 Benefits Report

7 Summary Report

8 How-to

9 User Tips

10 Exception Rpt Fields

11 Certificated Employees Rpt Fields

12 Classified Employees Rpt Fields

13 Benefits Report Fields

14 Summary Rpt Fields

15 F-195 Data Extract File Fields


2 Data Validation

The Data Validation report always prints first if Data Validation errors or warnings exist.  Only Data Validation messages for the Salary Exhibit report will be displayed.  Exception messages on this report will not stop Salary Exhibit processing but could result in incorrect or incomplete data on that report.  Therefore, all errors and warnings on the Data Validation should be resolved before a final Salary Exhibit report is run.


The Data Validation report lists messages by Employee.  See the Data Validation utility pages for complete error listings.


Page Updated 8/08
