Profile Codes Maintenance Guide


Access Codes

Building Codes

County Codes

Employee Types

Race Codes

Zip Codes


Education Codes

Language Codes

Occupation Codes

Name Suffix/Prefix Codes

Address Codes

Address Codes | Street Name: ADD | EDIT | DELETE | REPORT |

Address Codes                         

Clicking the Edit button on the Profile Master screen opens the Name Maintenance screen.

  1. Click the Lookup button to the top right of the three Address fields on the Name Maintenance screen. This opens the Address Selection List screen (see the Address Selection List Screen User Guide for details on using the Address Selection List screen.)

  2. Click the Add button on the Address Selection List screen. The Address Maintenance screen opens.

Street Name

  1. Click the Street button on the Address Maintenance screen to open the Street Selection List screen.

Adding a Street Name

  1. Click the Add button. The Street Maintenance screen opens.

  2. Enter the Street Name, with the direction, if it comes after the street name.

  3. Click the OK button to save the street name and return to the Address Maintenance screen. The new street name populates the Street Name field.

Editing a Street Name

  1. Click on the Street Name you wish to edit on the Street Selection List screen and then click the Edit button. The Street Maintenance screen opens.

  2. Make the changes and click the OK button. The Mass Address Change Confirmation screen opens asking if you are sure you want to make the change.

  3. Click the Yes button. The Address Successfully Updated screen opens.

  4. Click the OK button to return to the Street Selection List screen.

Deleting a Street Name

  1. On the Street Selection List screen, click on the street you wish to delete and then click the Delete button.

NOTE: If the street name you are trying to delete has not been assigned to any address records, a Delete Confirmation screen opens asking if you are sure you want to delete the street.

  1. Click the Yes button and the street name is deleted.

NOTE: If the street name you are trying to delete has been assigned to any address records, a Street Name in Use screen informs you that you cannot delete the street.

Running a Street Name Report

  1. Click the Report button on the Street Selection List screen. The Street Name Range screen opens.

  2. Enter the Street ranges that you want to print, or to get all streets, keep the default values.

  3. Click the Print button. The Output Destination screen opens.

Details on how to use the Output Destination screen can be found in the Print Setup User Guide.

  1. Select the print parameters and click the OK button to print the report.

Version: - 010225
