Profile Codes Maintenance Guide


Access Codes

Building Codes

County Codes

Employee Types

Race Codes

Zip Codes


Education Codes

Language Codes

Occupation Codes

Name Suffix/Prefix Codes

Address Codes


This option allows you to set up Zip Codes so that when a Zip Code is entered, the corresponding city and state is automatically filled in by the system. The Zip Code file is shared with all WESPaC applications.

  1. Click the Profile - PR codes folder on the Codes screen to display the list of Profile codes in the Options column.

  2. Click on Zip Codes - ZC to highlight it and click the Run button. The Zip Code List screen opens.

NOTE: The default sort order on the Zip Code List screen ascends numerically by Zip Code. To quickly find a Zip Code, if you know the code or the first three or four digits of the code, type them in the Lookup field and press the Enter key on your computer. The first Zip Code that matches your entry is displayed in the bottom position in the Zip Codes table. You can then scroll to find the one you need.

If you do not know the Zip Code but know the city, you can check the Sort By City check box. The Lookup field expands and displays town/city names. Type the name or first part of the name in the Lookup field and press the Enter key on your computer. The first town/city that matches your entry is displayed in the bottom position in the Zip Codes table. You can then scroll to find the one you need.

Adding a Zip Code

  1. Click the Add button. The Zip Code Maintenance screen opens.

  2. Enter a Zip Code of up to six characters.

NOTE: The sixth character can be used to differentiate between different cities with the same Zip Code. For example, the Zip Code 98424 is for Tacoma and Fife. An F could be entered for Fife (98424F). The F does not print out on any correspondence, but the correct city does appear along with the Zip Code.

  1. Enter a City of up to 20 characters.

  2. Enter a State (use the standard Zip Code abbreviation for the state.)

  3. Click the OK button to save the code and return to the Zip Code List screen.

Editing a Zip Code

  1. Click on the Zip Code you wish to edit and then click the Edit button. The Zip Code Maintenance screen opens.

NOTE: You cannot change the Zip Code, but you may change the City and/or State.

To change the Zip Code you must delete the existing Zip Code using the Delete button on the Zip Code List screen (see below) and add a new Zip Code.

  1. Make the necessary changes and click the OK button to return to the Zip Code List screen.

Deleting a Zip Code

NOTE: If the Zip Code you are trying to delete is assigned to an address record, the Delete button is not sensitized.

  1. If the Zip Code you wish to delete is not assigned to an address and the Delete key is sensitized, click on the Zip Code on the Zip Code List and then click the Delete button. A Question screen opens asking if you are sure you want to delete the Zip Code.

  2. Click the Yes button and the Zip Code is deleted.

Running a Zip Code Report

  1. Click the Report button on the Zip Code List screen. The Range screen opens.

  2. Enter the Zip Code ranges that you want to print, or to get all Zip Codes, keep the default values, and click the Print button. The Output Destination screen opens.

Details on how to use the Output Destination screen can be found in the Print Setup User Guide.

  1. Select the desired print parameters and click the OK button to print the report.

Version: - 010225
