Profile Codes Maintenance Guide


Access Codes

Building Codes

County Codes

Employee Types

Race Codes

Zip Codes


Education Codes

Language Codes

Occupation Codes

Name Suffix/Prefix Codes

Address Codes

Names | EDIT | REPORT | Individual Names Maintenance Codes |

View All Names &endash; VA

This option allows you to view any name in the system. This is not really a codes function.

  1. To view the names, highlight View All Names - VA under the Options column on the Codes screen and click the Run button.

The Names Codes screen opens. This screen actually shows a list of the Name Types.

  1. Either:

In either case, the Name List screen opens; the difference is the names displayed in the list.

NOTE: The only active buttons on this screen are Edit, Report, and Close.

NOTE: If you select certain name types using the View Names of Highlighted Type option, the Add button is sensitized. See the Adding a New Employee User Guide for details on how to add a name using the Name Maintenance screen.

Editing Employee Name Information

  1. Click on the name to highlight it and then click the Edit button. The Name Maintenance screen opens.

For details on how to use the Name Maintenance screen, see the Adding a New Employee User Guide.

Running a Names Report

  1. Click the Report button. The Name Report for Selected Name Category screen opens.

  2. Enter the Name Key, Primary Area Code, Zip Code, Township, or Street ranges that you want to print, or to get all names, keep the default values.

  3. Click the Print button. The Output Destination screen opens.

Details on how to use the Output Destination screen can be found in the Print Setup User Guide.

  1. Select the print parameters and click the OK button to print the report.

Individual Name Maintenance Codes

The codes associated with the fields on the Individual Names Maintenance screen (that is, the Education, Language, and Occupation codes) can only be accessed and maintained through that screen. These codes are not required in Washington State.

NOTE: If you add a new code to any of these code types, the new code attaches to the record of the employee displayed on the Employee Profile Master screen. Therefore, after adding a new code, you will need to re-select the appropriate code for the employee within whose record you are working.

Version: - 010225
