Contents |
| General Rules| Dividing by Grade Buckets | Number of Buckets in a: | Normal Class Control Set | Subset Class Control Set | Credits:| Earned | Attempted | GPA Credits: | Earned | Attempted | Remainders | Examples |
There are situations where the credits for a course, as determined in Section 3.7.14, must be divided among the records that are printed on the standardized transcript. In some cases the credits are divided based on the number of grade marks that have been entered for the student, and in other cases the credits are divided based on the number of grade buckets that have been established for the course.
Grade Marks: A Student Class record may have multiple grade marks (up to four semester grades and up to 12 term grades), but there is only one value available for credits earned, one for credits attempted, one for GPA credits earned and one for GPA credits attempted. As a result, if more than one grade mark for a course has been selected for the standardized transcript, each value for credits must be distributed among the grade marks, based on the number of grade marks.
Grade Buckets: If a standardized transcript is run and there are grades in current courses, but the grading period end date is after the system date, each value for credits must be distributed among the grade marks, based on the number of grade buckets. This is because the auto GPA calculation process does not recognize the credits for grade marks where the grading period end date is after the system date. As a result, the credit values are determined from fields in the Course table or from fields in the Student Class table that are not updated by the auto GPA calculation (see Section 3.7.14) and those credit values must be divided by the appropriate number of grade buckets.
If the grading period has ended, the credit values are divided by the number of appropriate grade marks.
If the grading period has not ended, and
If the student has variable credits AND if the student is enrolled in a subset class control set rather than in the normal class control set, the credit values are divided by the number of grade buckets for the subset class control set.
Else, the credit values are divided by the number of grade buckets for the normal class control set.
"r;Credit values" refers to credits earned, credits attempted, GPA credits earned, and GPA credits attempted.
A credits earned value is calculated only for grade marks that are identified as "r;passing". Those grade marks are "A", "A-", "B+", "B", "B-", "C+", "C", "C-", "D+", "D", or any grade mark in the Grade Mark table where the "r;Use in Earned" flag = Yes (GRADE-MARK.GM-USE-IN-EARNED = "Y").
If the grade mark is not in the "r;A" through "r;D" range, information from the Grade Mark table is used. To find the appropriate Grade Mark table, find GRADE-MARK.ENTITY-ID = STUDENT-CLASS.ENTITY-ID and GRADE-MARK.SCHOOL-YEAR = STUDENT-CLASS.SCHOOL-YEAR.
The grade mark from the Student Class table is used to find the same grade mark in the Grade Mark table (GRADE-MARK.GRADE-MARK-ID) where GRADE-MARK.GRAD-YR-HIGH = STUDENT-CLASS.SCHD-HST-GRAD-YEAR, or if not available where GRADE-MARK.GRAD-YR-HIGH = 9999. If the grade mark is not available, the grade mark is treated as not "r;passing".
If the STUDENT-CLASS.SCHD-HST-GRAD-YEAR = 0000, the grade mark from the Student Class table is used to find the same grade mark in the Grade Mark table (GRADE-MARK.GRADE-MARK-ID) where GRADE-MARK.GRAD-YR-HIGH = STUDENT.GRAD-YEAR, or if not available where GRADE-MARK.GRAD-YR-HIGH = 9999. If the grade mark is not available, the grade mark is treated as not "r;passing".
If the grade mark is not a passing grade, credits earned = 0.00.
Historical Records: To calculate credits earned for each passing grade mark, the credits earned value is divided by the number of passing grade marks. The result is applied only to the passing grade marks.
Current Records: To calculate credits earned for each passing grade mark,
If the grading period has ended, the credits earned value is divided by the number of passing grade marks. The result is applied only to the passing grade marks.
If the grading period has not ended,
And if the student has variable credits (STUDENT-CLASS.HAS-VAR-EARN-CRDTS = "Y") and is enrolled in a subset class control set, the credits earned value is divided by the number of grade buckets in the subset class control set (see Number of Grade Buckets in a Subset Class Control Set).
Else, the credits earned value is divided by the number of grade buckets in the normal class control set (see Number of Grade Buckets in a Normal Class Control Set).
A credits attempted value is calculated for all "r;applicable" grade marks. Those are grade marks in the Grade Mark table where the "r;Use in Earned" flag = Yes (GRADE-MARK.GM-USE-IN-EARNED = "Y") or the "r;Use in Failed" flag = Yes (GRADE-MARK.GM-USE-IN-FAILED = "Y").
If the grade mark is not in the "r;A" through "r;F" range, information from the Grade Mark table is used. To find the appropriate Grade Mark table, find GRADE-MARK.ENTITY-ID = STUDENT-CLASS.ENTITY-ID and GRADE-MARK.SCHOOL-YEAR = STUDENT-CLASS.SCHOOL-YEAR.
The grade mark from the Student Class table is used to find the same grade mark in the Grade Mark table (GRADE-MARK.GRADE-MARK-ID) where GRADE-MARK.GRAD-YR-HIGH = STUDENT-CLASS.SCHD-HST-GRAD-YEAR, or if not available where GRADE-MARK.GRAD-YR-HIGH = 9999. If the grade mark is not available, the grade mark is treated as not "r;applicable".
If the STUDENT-CLASS.SCHD-HST-GRAD-YEAR = 0000, the grade mark from the Student Class table is used to find the same grade mark in the Grade Mark table (GRADE-MARK.GRADE-MARK-ID) where GRADE-MARK.GRAD-YR-HIGH = STUDENT.GRAD-YEAR, or if not available where GRADE-MARK.GRAD-YR-HIGH = 9999. If the grade mark is not available, the grade mark is treated as not "r;applicable".
If the grade mark is not applicable, credits attempted = 0.00.
Historical Records: To calculate credits attempted for each grade mark, the credits attempted value is divided by the number of appropriate grade marks. The result is applied only to the applicable grade marks.
Current Records: To calculate credits attempted for each grade mark,
If the grading period has ended, the credits attempted value is divided by the number of appropriate grade marks. The result is applied only to the applicable grade marks.
If the grading period has not ended,
And if the student has variable credits (STUDENT-CLASS.HAS-VAR-EARN-CRDTS = "Y") and is enrolled in a subset class control set, the credits attempted value is divided by the number of grade buckets in the subset class control set (see Number of Grade Buckets in a Subset Class Control Set).
Else, the credits attempted value is divided by the number of grade buckets in the normal class control set (see Number of Grade Buckets in a Normal Class Control Set).
A GPA credits earned value is calculated only for grade marks that are applicable for calculating GPA and that are identified as "r;passing". Those grade marks are "A", "A-", "B+", "B", "B-", "C+", "C", "C-", "D+", and "D".
If the grade mark is applicable for calculating GPA and is not a passing grade, GPA credits earned = 0.00. Those grade marks are "E" and "F".
Historical Records: To calculate GPA credits earned for each passing GPA grade mark, the GPA credits earned value is divided by the number of passing GPA grade marks.
Current Records: To calculate GPA credits earned for each passing GPA grade mark,
If the grading period has ended, the GPA credits earned value is divided by the number of passing GPA grade marks.
If the grading period has not ended,
And if the student has variable credits (STUDENT-CLASS.HAS-VAR-GPA-CRDTS = "Y") and is enrolled in a subset class control set, the GPA credits earned value is divided by the number of grade buckets in the subset class control set (see Number of Grade Buckets in a Subset Class Control Set).
Else, the GPA credits earned value is divided by the number of grade buckets in the normal class control set (see Number of Grade Buckets in a Normal Class Control Set).
A GPA credits attempted value is calculated only when the grade mark is applicable for calculating GPA. Those grade marks are "A", "A-", "B+", "B", "B-", "C+", "C", "C-", "D+", "D", "E", and "F".
Historical Records: To calculate GPA credits attempted for each grade mark, the GPA credits attempted value is divided by the number of grade marks that are applicable for calculating GPA.
Current Records: To calculate GPA credits attempted for each GPA grade mark,
If the grading period has ended, the GPA credits attempted value is divided by the number of grade marks applicable for calculating GPA.
If the grading period has not ended,
And if the student has variable credits (STUDENT-CLASS.HAS-VAR-GPA-CRDTS = "Y") and is enrolled in a subset class control set, the GPA credits attempted value is divided by the number of grade buckets in the subset class control set (see Number of Grade Buckets in a Subset Class Control Set).
Else, the GPA credits attempted value is divided by the number of grade buckets in the normal class control set (see Number of Grade Buckets in a Normal Class Control Set).
If all the following are true,
Grading period associated with a grade in the Student Class record has not ended (GRADING-PERIOD.GP-END-DATE > system date), AND
The student has variable credits for the course (STUDENT-CLASS.EARN-CRDTS-POSS = "Y" or STUDENT-CLASS.GPA-CRDTS-POSS = "Y"), AND
The student is enrolled in a subset of the normal class control set; this is determined by comparing the number of terms in the normal class control set for the course length to the number of terms reflected in the Student Class record with the grade marks (based on the CLAS-CONTROL-SET.COR-LENGTH-SET-ID, use CLAS-CONTROL-SET.CCS-SCH-STR-TRM and CLAS-CONTROL-SET.CCS-SCH-STP-TRM where CLAS-CONTROL-SET.CONTROL-SET-ID = "0" to determine the number of terms in the normal class control set; use STUDENT-CLASS.SCHD-STR-TRM and STUDENT-CLASS.SCHD-STP-TRM to determine the number of terms in the Student Class record; compare the results; if the number of terms in the Student Class record is less than the number of terms in the normal class control set, the student is enrolled in a subset),
Then, the credit values are divided by the number of grade buckets for the subset class control set (see Number of Grade Buckets in a Subset Class Control Set).
Else, when the grading period has not ended, the credit values are divided by the number of grade buckets for the normal class control set (see Number of Grade Buckets in a Normal Class Control Set).
Number of Buckets in a Normal Class Control Set
The number of grade buckets in a normal class control set is determined as follows:
If the course length = "year", and if on the Grade Sets tab of the Grading Setup screen the value in "r;Earned Credits" for "r;Semester Grades" is greater than zero, the credits value is divided by the number of Semester Grade Buckets (if COURSE.COR-LENGTH-SET-ID = year, and if COR-GRADE-SET.GEGC-SEM > zero, the credits value is divided by the value in COR-GRADE-SET.CGS-NBR-SEM-GRADE).
If the course length = "year", and if on the Grade Sets tab of the Grading Setup screen the value in "r;Earned Credits" for "r;Term Grades" is greater than zero, the credits value is divided by the number of Term Grade Buckets (if COURSE.COR-LENGTH-SET-ID = "year", and if COR-GRADE-SET.GEGC-TERM > zero, the credits value is divided by the value in COR-GRADE-SET.CGS-NBR-TERM-GRADE).
If the course length = "semester", and if on the Grade Sets tab of the Grading Setup screen the value in "r;Earned Credits" for "r;Term Grades" is greater than zero, the credits value is divided by the number of Term Grade Buckets (if COURSE.COR-LENGTH-SET-ID = "semester", and if COR-GRADE-SET.GEGC-TERM > zero, the credits value is divided by the value in COR-GRADE-SET.CGS-NBR-TERM-GRADE).
Number of Buckets in a Subset Class Control Set
The number of grade buckets in a subset class control set is determined as follows:
Step 1: The number of grade buckets for the normal class control set is determined (see Number of Buckets in a Normal Class Control Set).
Step 2: For the course length, the number of terms in the normal class control set is determined (based on the CLAS-CONTROL-SET.COR-LENGTH-SET-ID, CLAS-CONTROL-SET.CCS-SCH-STR-TRM and CLAS-CONTROL-SET.CCS-SCH-STP-TRM where CLAS-CONTROL-SET.CONTROL-SET-ID = "0" are used to determine the number of terms in the normal class control set).
Step 3: The number of terms in the normal class control set (Step 2) is divided by the number of grade buckets for the normal class control set (Step 1) to determine the number of terms in a grade bucket. For example, the number of terms in the normal class control set = "6" and the number of grade buckets for the normal class control set = "3"; therefore, the number of terms in a grade bucket is "2".
Step 4: The start and stop terms in the Student Class record are used to determine the number of terms for the class in which the student was enrolled (STUDENT-CLASS.SCHD-STR-TRM and STUDENT-CLASS.SCHD-STP-TRM).
Step 5: The number of terms in which the student was enrolled (Step 4) is divided by the number of terms in a grade bucket (Step 3) to determine the number of grade buckets for that Student Class record. Continuing the example in Step 3, the student is enrolled in 4 terms, so 4 divided by 2 = "2" = the number of grade buckets to use when dividing credit values.
If the number of terms in which the student was enrolled is less than the number of terms for a grade bucket, it is assumed there is 1 grade bucket. For example,
Number of grade buckets for the normal class control set = "2"
Number of terms in the normal class control set = "6"
Therefore, number of terms in a grade bucket = "3"
Number of terms the student was enrolled = "1", which is less then the number of terms in a grade bucket,
Therefore, number of grade buckets to use when dividing credit values = "1".
When any credit value is divided and there is a remainder, the remainder is applied to the last grade mark. For example, if there are three grade marks and the credit value is 1.00, the divided values would be 0.33, 0.33, and 0.34.
Page Updated 10/05