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The Additional State Requirements section of the standardized transcript is comprised of information about the following areas:
The information printed is based on data in three tables related to educational milestones:
Educational Milestones Table (edu-milestones): This table provides school districts with the ability to create codes for educational milestones to be achieved by students in any grade level. A milestone may or may not be required for high school graduation.
Educational Milestones System Table (sys-edu-milestones): This table contains a WSIPC-defined list of educational milestones type values that are related to the standardized transcript. The type values are:
Read: Reading Standard.
Write: Writing Standard.
HSBP: High School and Beyond Plan.
CulPrj: Culminating Project.
CAAWSL: Certificate of Academic Achievement based on WASL results.
CAAALT: Certificate of Academic Achievement based on alternative testing results.
CAACMB: Certificate of Academic Achievement based on a combination of WASL and alternative testing results.
CIA: Certificate of Individual Achievement.
Student Educational Milestones Table (stu-edu-milestones): This table provides school districts with the ability to enter educational milestone information about a student. Each record entered reflects an educational milestone that a student is expected to achieve or that has been achieved. For the standardized transcript, if the student's educational milestone has a date (which identifies when the milestone was achieved) and is associated with a specific educational milestone type, appropriate information is printed on the standardized transcript.
This section is printed only if the student's Washington graduation year (STUDENT.WA-GRAD-YR) is 2008 or later.
If the student’s graduation year is 2008 or later, the Reading Standard line is printed. Status = MET if the student has a level 3 or 4 score for the TWASL reading test, or if the student has an educational milestone record with a date. Status = WAIVED if (a) the student has not met the reading standard and the student’s reading educational milestone has the waived flag = Yes, or (b) the student has not met the reading standard and if the student has "r;waived" information in the Comment field of the educational milestone. If the status is not MET or WAIVED, then the status printed is NOT MET.
To determine whether status = Met,
First the student’s Educational Milestones records are checked. Status printed = MET if the student has a record in the Student Educational Milestones table where the educational milestones code has type = Read and the date is not blank (stu-edu-milestones.em-ID = edu-milestones.em-ID where edu-milestones.em-ID corresponds to edu-milestones.em-type = Read AND stu-edu-milestones.stu-em-date NE blank)
If the student’s Educational Milestones data does not identify the Reading Standard has having been met, then the student’s TWASL data is checked. Status printed = MET if the student has TWASL results of achievement level 3 or 4 in the subject of reading (stu-ts-element.stse-score-data). All alpha characters (A-Z) that may be in the achievement level field are ignored.
If status is not MET, then the system determines whether status = WAIVED. Status printed = WAIVED if (a) there is a record in the Student Educational Milestones table where the educational milestones code has type = Read and that Student Educational Milestones record has Waived = Yes (stu-edu-milestones.stu-em-waived = Y), or (b) there is a record in the Student Educational Milestones table where the educational milestones code has type = Read and the Comment field contains "r;waive" or "r;wave" (not case sensitive) in the first characters.
If the status is not MET or WAIVED, then status printed = NOT MET.
If the student’s graduation year is 2008 or later, the Writing Standard line is printed. Status = MET if the student has a level 3 or 4 score for the TWASL writing test, or if the student has an educational milestone record with a date. Status = WAIVED if (a) the student has not met the writing standard and the student’s writing educational milestone has the waived flag = Yes, or (b) the student has not met the writing standard and if the student has "r;waived" information in the Comment field of the educational milestone. If the status is not MET or WAIVED, then the status printed is NOT MET.
To determine whether status = Met,
First the student’s Educational Milestones records are checked. Status printed = MET if the student has a record in the Student Educational Milestones table where the educational milestones code has type = Write and the date is not blank (stu-edu-milestones.em-ID = edu-milestones.em-ID where edu-milestones.em-ID corresponds to edu-milestones.em-type = Write AND stu-edu-milestones.stu-em-date NE blank)
If the student’s Educational Milestones data does not identify the Writing Standard as having been met, then the student’s TWASL data is checked. Status printed = MET if the student has TWASL results of achievement level 3 or 4 in the subject of writing (stu-ts-element.stse-score-data). All alpha characters (A-Z) that may be in the achievement level field are ignored.
If status is not MET, then the system determines whether status = WAIVED. Status printed = WAIVED if (a) there is a record in the Student Educational Milestones table where the educational milestones code has type = Write and that Student Educational Milestones record has Waived = Yes (stu-edu-milestones.stu-em-waived = Y), or (b) there is a record in the Student Educational Milestones table where the educational milestones code has type = Write and the Comment field contains "r;waive" or "r;wave" (not case sensitive) in the first characters.
If the status is not MET or WAIVED, then status printed = NOT MET.
If the student's Washington graduation year (STUDENT.WA-GRAD-YR) is 2008 or later, the High School and Beyond Plan line is printed.
Status = "MET" if there is a record in the Student Educational Milestones table where the educational milestones code has type = HSBP and the date is not blank; the associated month and year are also printed (stu-edu-milestones.em-ID = edu-milestones.em-ID where edu-milestones.em-ID corresponds to edu-milestones.em-TYPE = HSBP AND stu-edu-milestones.stu-em-date blank).
Otherwise, Status = "NOT MET".
If the student's Washington graduation year (STUDENT.WA-GRAD-YR) is 2008 or later, the Culminating Project line is printed.
Status = "MET" if there is a record in the Student Educational Milestones table where the educational milestones code has type = "CulPrj" and the date is not blank; the associated month and year are also printed (stu-edu-milestones.em-ID = edu-milestones.em-ID where edu-milestones.em-ID corresponds to edu-milestones.em-TYPE = "CulPrj" AND stu-edu-milestones.stu-em-date blank).
Otherwise, Status = "NOT MET".
Certificate of Academic Achievement (CAA) and Certificate of Individual Achievement (CIA)
If a student’s graduation year is 2008 or later, information about the Certificate of Academic Achievement or the Certificate of Individual Achievement is printed only if the student has earned one of the certificates.
If a Certificate of Academic Achievement has been earned, a line is printed for that certificate.
If a Certificate of Individual Achievement has been earned, and a Certificate of Academic Achievement has not been earned, a line is printed for the Certificate of Individual Achievement.
If both a Certificate of Academic Achievement and a Certificate of Individual Achievement have been earned, only a line for the Certificate of Academic Achievement is printed.
If neither certificate has been earned, a line of asterisks is printed.
Certificate of Academic Achievement
If the student’s graduation year is 2008 or later, a line is printed for the Certificate of Academic Achievement if the student has earned the certificate. Status = EARNED if the student has a level 3 or 4 score for the TWASL reading, writing and math subjects, or if the student has a CAA educational milestone record with a date.
To determine whether status = EARNED,
The student’s Educational Milestones records are checked. Status = EARNED if the student has a record in the Student Educational Milestones table where the educational milestones code has type = CAAWSL, CAAALT or CAACMB and the date is not blank (stu-edu-milestones.em-ID = edu-milestones.em-ID where edu-milestones.em-ID corresponds to edu-milestones.em-type = CAAWSL or CAAALT or CAACMB AND stu-edu-milestones.stu-em-date NE blank).
If the student’s Educational Milestones data does not identify the Certificate of Academic Achievement as having been earned, then the student’s TWASL data is checked. Status printed = EARNED if the student has TWASL results of achievement level 3 or 4 in the three subjects of reading, writing and math (stu-ts-element.stse-score-data). All alpha characters (A-Z) that may be in the achievement level field are ignored.
Otherwise, a line is not printed for the Certificate of Academic Achievement.
Certificate of Individual Achievement
If the student’s graduation year is 2008 or later, a line is printed for the Certificate of Individual Achievement if the student has earned the certificate and if the student has not earned the Certificate of Academic Achievement. A student is identified as having earned the Certificate of Individual Achievement if the student has a CIA educational milestone record with a date.
A line is printed with Status = EARNED if there is a record in the Student Educational Milestones table where the educational milestones code has type = CIA and the date is not blank (stu-edu-milestones.em-ID = edu-milestones.em-ID where edu-milestones.em-ID corresponds to edu-milestones.em-type = CIA AND stu-edu-milestones.stu-em-date NE blank).
Otherwise, a line is not printed for the Certificate of Individual Achievement.
Following is the process the system uses to identify whether WASL data is available to use in determining whether the student has met the Reading Standard or the Writing Standard, or has earned a Certificate of Academic Achievement.
Begin by finding the district's system-generated test ID and four related element IDs where the test name is TWASL. The four element IDs are associated with four alphakeys, one each for the subject areas of reading, writing, math and science. Then, using the test ID and the element IDs, check the file with student test information to see whether there is data with corresponding values for the test ID and element IDs.
Step 1: In the test-score-test table find the record with a test name of TWASL (test-score-test.test-score-name-ID = "TWASL"). Find the related test ID which is a unique internal identifier that assigned sequentially (test-score-test.test-score-test-ID).
Step 2: Find the same test ID in the test-score-element table (test-score-test.test-score-test-ID = test-score-element.test-score-test-ID). There are four records with that test ID in the test-score-element table, one for each of the subject areas of reading, writing, math, and science. The subject areas are identified in the alphakey field (test-score-element.tsel-alpha-key) and each has a related element ID which is a unique internal identifier that is assigned sequentially (test-score-element.test-score-element-ID). The lowest numbered element ID is for the reading alphakey; the next element ID is for the writing alphakey; the next element ID is for the math alphakey; the highest numbered element ID is for the science alphakey.
Step 3: Use the unique combination of test ID and element ID to determine whether the student has data for any or all of the four subjects (test-score-element.test-score-test-ID = stu-ts-element.test-score-test-ID and test-score-element.test-score-element-ID = stu-ts-element.test-score-element-ID).
Step 4: There are four records in the student test element table. Use the element ID number (stu-ts-element.test-score-element-ID) to determine whether the data is for reading, writing, math, or science. For each test score element (that is, for each subject area), find the test score data (stu-ts-element.stse-score-data). Also find the test date (stu-ts-element.stst-date-taken).
Test score data is stored as a delimited string of information; for example: "1|3|2|410". The first item of data is always a column number and is always column 1. The second item is the level achieved ("3" in the example). The third item is column 2. The fourth item is the scale score ("410" in the example).
Page Updated 8/08