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Student Class records are selected where:
The grade level is 9, 10, 11, or 12, and
There is a grade mark in the appropriate table and field.
In order to determine whether a Student Class record (student-class table) is to be printed on the standardized transcript, information about the grade level and grade mark(s) is evaluated. All records selected are printed in the Academic Record section.
All of the student’s student-class records are selected where the grade level is 9, 10, 11, or 12. The process first determines whether each record is historical or current.
Historical Records: If student-class.schd-record-type = H, the record is historical. Determining the grade level:
First the Transcript Grade Level Override in the Student Class table (student-class.trn-grd-lvl-ovr) is checked. If the value is not blank and is 9-12, the Student Class record is selected for further review. If the value is not blank and is less than or equal to 8, processing of the Student Class record is stopped.
If the Student Class Transcript GLO field is blank, the system checks the Transcript Grade Level Override field in the Course table (course.trn-grd-lvl-ovr) for the course in the Student Class table. If the Course Transcript GLO value is not blank and is 9-12, the Student Class record is selected for further review. If the Course Transcript GLO value is not blank and is less than or equal to 8, processing of the Student Class record is stopped.
If the Course Transcript GLO field is blank, the Student Class table is checked for the ECP grade level when the class was taken (student-class.schd-hst-ecp). If the Student Class ECP value is 9-12, the record is selected for further review. Otherwise, processing of the Student Class record is stopped.
Current Records: If student-class.schd-record-type does not equal H, the record is current. Determining the grade level:
First the Transcript Grade Level Override in the Student Class table (student-class.trn-grd-lvl-ovr) is checked. If the value is not blank and is 9-12, the Student Class record is selected for further review.
If the Student Class Transcript GLO value is blank, or is not blank and other than 9-12, the grade level when taken is calculated based on grad year and school year. Student.grad-year and student-class.school-year are used. If the calculated value is 9-12, the record is selected for further review. Otherwise, processing of the Student Class record is stopped.
Result of student.grad-yr minus student-class.school-year |
State Equivalent Grade Level |
0 |
12 |
1 |
11 |
2 |
10 |
3 |
9 |
After selecting records with grade level 9-12, each record is checked to determine whether there is an appropriate grade mark.
First, if there are no grade marks for the class, processing is stopped. That is, processing is stopped if there are no grade marks in student-class.grd-fnl-mrk, or student-class.grd-sem-mrk[4] or student-class.grd-trm-mrk[12].
Next, if there are grade marks for the class, it is necessary to determine whether there are appropriate grades so that the class is printed on the transcript. This is a one-step or a two-step process.
Step A: Information in the Course Grade Set table (cor-grade-set) is used to determine which type of grade (final, semester, or term) is used to qualify for credits earned.
Step B: If the type of grade that qualifies for credits earned is semester or term, information in the Class Grading table (class-grading) is used to determine which semester or term bucket to look at for a grade mark.
Final Grade: On the Grade Sets tab of the Grading Setup screen, if "r;Use Final" has been selected, the value in "r;Earned Credits" for "r;Final Grade" is checked. If it equals zero, the process goes to "r;Semester Grades" below. If it is greater than zero, the process assumes it equals 100.00 and looks for a final grade in the Student Class table.
If cor-grade-set.cgs-use-final-grade = "Y", check cor-grade-set.gegc-final. If the value = zero, go to "r;Semester Grade" below. If the value is > zero, assume it = 100.00 and look for student-class.grd-fnl-mrk.
If the final grade is blank, the record is excluded from the transcript because there is no grade to qualify for credits earned. If the final grade has a value, the record is selected for the standardized transcript.
Semester Grades: On the Grade Sets tab of the Grading Setup screen, if "r;Use Semester" has been selected, the value in "r;Earned Credits" for "r;Semester Grades" is checked. If it equals zero, the process goes to "r;Term Grades" below. If it is greater than zero, the process assumes it equals 100.00 and determines which semester grade buckets should be used, as identified in the Class Grading table. Then it looks for semester grades in the Student Class table.
If cor-grade-set.cgs-use-sem-grade = "Y", check cor-grade-set.gegc-sem. If the value = zero, go to "r;Term Grades" below. If the value is > zero, assume it = 100.00 and look for class-grading.get-sem. If class-grading.get-sem = "Y", determine the correct semester grade bucket by using class-grading.sem-to-get. Based on that, find student-class.grd-sem-mrk in the appropriate bucket.
If there are no semester grades in the appropriate buckets, there are no grades to qualify for credits earned. If there are semester grades in the appropriate buckets, the records are selected for the standardized transcript.
Term Grades: On the Grade Sets tab of the Grading Setup screen, if "r;Use Term" has been selected, the value in "r;Earned Credits" for "r;Term Grades" is checked. If it equals zero, processing is stopped. If it is greater than zero, the process assumes it equals 100.00 and determines which term grade buckets should be used, as identified in the Class Grading table. The process then looks for term grades in the Student Class table.
If cor-grade-set.cgs-use-trm-grade = "Y", check cor-grade-set.gegc-trm. If the value = zero, stop processing. If the value is > zero, assume it = 100.00 and look for class-grading.get-sem. If class-grading.get-trm = "Y", determine the correct term grade bucket by using class-grading.term-to-get. Based on that, find student-class.grd-trm-mrk in the appropriate buckets.
If there are no term grades in the appropriate buckets, there are no grades to qualify for credits earned. If there are term grades in the appropriate buckets, the records are selected for the standardized transcript.
Page Updated 9/08