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The Schools Attended section contains
Entry Date
Exit Date
School Name
School City and State
It is an "r;enrollment history" of schools the student attended during the time period reflected on the standardized transcript. This may include schools in which a student was enrolled for such a brief period that no grade marks were recorded.
Data for Schools Attended is selected from a student’s standard entry/withdrawal records as well as from supplemental entry/withdrawal records. Standard entry/withdrawal records can exist for any entity, including entity 999. Supplemental entry/withdrawal records are only for entity 999. Supplemental entry/withdrawal records are entered in order to record student enrollment and exit activity that overlaps dates in standard entry/withdrawal records for entity 999. For example, a transfer student may have been enrolled in more than one previous school at the same time. Supplemental entry/withdrawal records for entity 999 can also overlap each other.
Standard entry/withdrawal records are stored in the Student Entry/Withdrawal (STUDENT-EW) table. Supplemental entry/withdrawal records are stored in the Student Classifications (STUDENT-CLASSIFICATIONS) table.
School City and State: ZIP.ZIP-CITY and ZIP.ZIP-STATE.
Standard Entry/Withdrawal Records
Standard entry/withdrawal records are selected where:
Entry Date is earlier than the system date (student-ew.ew-date < system date)
-- AND --
Withdraw Date is blank or to the start date of the first class control set on the Student Class records that are included (student-ew.withdrawal-date is blank or
-- AND --
The entity matches an entity from which Student Class records are included,
-- OR --
Based on the graduation year/school year indicated on the Student Entry/Withdrawal record, or the Student GLO field, the grade level is calculated to be greater than 8 (student-ew.withdrawal-grad-year and student-ew.withdrawal-school-year > 8 OR student-ew.grade-level > 8).
After standard entry/withdrawal records are selected, they are concatenated if the entry date in one record is one day greater than the withdrawal date in the previous record, and if both records are in the same entity. If either record has a state withdrawal type of P1, the P1 is retained in the concatenated record. If neither record has a state withdrawal type of P1 and if the state withdrawal types in the two records are different, the state withdrawal type on the earliest record is retained in the concatenated record.
Additionally, because of OSPI requirements for CSRS, and specifically for reporting enrollment status of P1 (promotion), extra Schools Attended records would be printed on the standardized transcript even though a student may only have been promoted within the entity. As a result, entry/withdrawal records that have been selected and concatenated based on entry and withdrawal dates are further concatenated if
State Withdrawal Type that corresponds to the Withdrawal Code equals P1 (for student-ew.withdrawal-code, withdrawal.state-withdrawal-type = P1),
Entity ID on the next (more recent) entry/withdrawal record is the same as on the record with the P1 withdrawal type.
In this way, if a student enrolled in a 4-year high school in grade 9, remained in the same school and was promoted each year until graduation in grade 12, there would be only one Schools Attended record printed on the standardized transcript.
Extra Schools Attended records are also prevented if a student is retained and remains in the same entity. Entry/withdrawal records that have been selected and concatenated based on entry and withdrawal dates are further concatenated if
The student was retained (STUDENT-EW.X-WITHDRAWAL-RETAINED = Yes),
Entity ID on the next (more recent) entry/withdrawal record is the same as on the record with the retained flag.
Supplemental Entry/Withdrawal Records
If a supplemental entry/withdrawal record has "r;Yes" in the "r;Print on Transcript" field (STUDENT-CLASSIFICATIONS.SC-LOG-1 = Yes), that supplemental record is included in the Schools Attended section.
Sorting the Entry/Withdrawal Data
Information is sorted by entry date, with the oldest entry date first. If there are multiple records with the same entry date, they are sorted by withdrawal date, with the oldest withdrawal date first. If there are multiple records with the same entry and withdrawal dates, they are sorted alphabetically (ascending) by school name.
Page Updated 1/08